Bullying is bad,it could lead to obesity and heart failure - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Bullying is bad,it could lead to obesity and heart failure | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE http://go.ad2upapp.com/afu.php?id=1182571





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Wednesday 20 May 2015

Bullying is bad,it could lead to obesity and heart failure


A recent research reports that, Bullying has effects on the body that last for decades and can shorten a person's life, new research suggests.

Scientists found a significantly increased risk of stress-induced chronic inflammation in middle-aged men and women who had been bullied as children.
This is known to increase the chances of having blocked arteries, leading to potentially fatal cardiac failures and strokes.

In women, falling victim to childhood bullying was also found to raise the risk of being clinically obese in later life by about 40%.


Mirror UK, reported the findings from a major study of more than 7,000 Britons born in 1958 whose parents provided information about their children's exposure to bullying at age seven and 11.
Data on blood inflammation markers and obesity were collected when the participants were aged 45.
Professor Louise Arseneault, from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King's College, London, who co-led the study, said: "Our findings show that being bullied in childhood does get under your skin.
"We should move away from this idea that bullying is part of growing up and acceptable."
"Bullying is a part of growing up for many children from all social groups," the professor continued. "While many important school programmes focus on preventing bullying behaviours, we tend to neglect the victims and their suffering.
"Our study implies that early interventions in support of the bullied children could not only limit psychological distress but also reduce physical health problems in adulthood."
Up to a fifth of children are thought to experience bullying but some cope with it better than others.

Prof Arseneault said the most vulnerable appear to be those carrying the "baggage" of other problems, such as maltreatment at home.
Previous research has linked bullying to an increased risk of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, poorer education and deficient social life.

The new study, published in the journal Psychological Medicine, points to serious physical as well as psychological effects that can have a major impact on long-term health.
Measurements of body mass index (BMI), which relates height and weight, showed that 26% of women who had been occasionally or frequently bullied as children were obese at the age of 45.

In comparison, 19% of women who escaped bullying ended up obese.
A different measurement of abdominal fat, hip-waist ratio, showed that both men and women who suffered childhood bullying were thicker around the middle at the age of 45.

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