CNB Reflections: Forgiveness - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE CNB Reflections: Forgiveness | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Sunday 3 May 2015

CNB Reflections: Forgiveness


A lot of deep-rooted discord and hate between people of different tribes or races comes from years of mistrust and terrible acts of injustice from all sides. Forgiveness is a very hard thing to do, as many people feel justified in their hate, often understandably so. That’s where it takes an incredible act of courage and many times divine intervention to help people overcome what has often been years of mental conditioning against one another.

 Everyone makes mistakes because nobody is perfect, If you can not forgive others, do not expect others to forgive you, more so, how do you want God to forgive you? When we forgive, we are opening our heart and soul to the love of God, that love that breaks every chain of sadness...

Ever heard of the saying that: 'If you have an offering to offer to God but you are not in good terms with a brethren, just take back your offering, go back and make peace before coming to offer to the Lord'
So, forgive others as quickly as you want the Almighty to forgive you. So that you can pray and praise.
For this is our Month of  Grace for long life and strength.


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