You Think You Are Smart?See These Simple Tips - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE You Think You Are Smart?See These Simple Tips | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Monday 4 May 2015

You Think You Are Smart?See These Simple Tips


We do a lot of negative things that affect our health and well being, Here on CNB, we advocate for wellness and good healthy habits.You would have noticed that I like giving short, simple, straight-to-the-point explanations to my write up...Yes, that is my own style for an easier read. No need for the plenty plenty grammar and medical jargon, just something simple for an easy understanding, Like I always say....We are just having fun here: while trying to stay healthy and safe.
Ok..Sorry, Back to our gist....Do you want to stay healthy, smart and younger? Follow these tips

Take a nap:
Sleep 45 minutes or less to avoid entering into deep sleep, when you may awaken feeling groggy, or sleep about 2 hours to sleep through an entire sleep cycle. Either way, you'll awaken refreshed.

Do a little daily stretching: 
Do a couple of stretches when you wake up and at night before bed. Meanwhile.

Eat throughout the day so that you're constantly satisfied. The less you eat, the more likely you are to sink into starvation mode and make your body want to store fat.

Take a breath:
Deep breathing raises levels of blood oxygen, promoting health in many ways — from stimulating the digestive process to improving fitness and mental performance.

Know your blood pressure:
Maintaining your blood pressure can reduce your risk of heart  diseases or stroke, so get tasted ASAP.

Laugh it off:
Make laughter a part of your life. It exercises the lungs and lowers your heart rate and blood pressure.

Shop for healthy foods:
 In the market, find and buy fresh fruit, veggies, dairy products, fish and meats, and usually whole grains and breads.

Don't eat late:
 Avoid large heavy meals, and keep those dinners light and before 8 p.m. when you can. You'll feel more energized in the morning.

Have fun:
Reading, taking up a hobby or playing board games can keep your mind strong and helps you stay lively and younger.

Quit smoking and Alcohol.

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