Where is our minister of health? - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Where is our minister of health? | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE http://go.ad2upapp.com/afu.php?id=1182571





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Saturday 23 May 2015

Where is our minister of health?


The Minister of Health, Dr. Alhassan Khaliru, has been absent from his office at the Federal Ministry of Health for some weeks even though he is not on official leave.
Ahead of May 29 hand over date, there is a circular from the Head of Service of the Federation cancelling all leave for top Federal Government functionaries.

Meanwhile, there is global concern over rising cases of heart diseases in children. Concerned by the development, the World Health Organisation has stressed the urgent need to strengthen health services to tackle Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD), a neglected and preventable disease in children.

At the Federal Secretariat building housing the Federal Ministry of Health in Abuja, the initial hushed whispers on Dr. Khaliru’s whereabouts have turned loud. The question asked by the workers is, “where is the minister?” “Why hasn’t anybody seen him for weeks now?”

Apart from being absent at public functions at the Ministry, he has also not been regular at the weekly Federal Executive Council meeting including the one held on Wednesday.

The Guardian News reported that Khaliru is also absent at the on-going World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland.

The World Health Assembly is attended by delegates from World Health Organisation (WHO) member states as well as representatives from many agencies, organisations, foundations and other groups that contribute to improving public health. Member states approve resolutions in committee before formally adopting them in the plenary session at the end of the Assembly.

Minister of State for Health, Fidelis Nwankwo, an engineer, has been in charge of the ministry and its activities for some weeks now. He is leading Nigeria’s delegation to the ongoing World Health Assembly.
Officials of the Ministry were however unwilling to speak on the whereabouts of the minister as at the time of going to press.

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