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Friday 17 October 2014

Hi everyone,
I am so excited..Just got my first testimony post sent in by a BV.
Read and be inspired.
You can send in yours to diethealth29@gmail.com OR
post it on the comment section.
God is Awesome...

Dear CNB,
I am a living testimony of God's Awesome blessings and miracle.
I had a lump about the size of a Tennis ball on the back of my neck. The terrible pain was going up into my head and. When I visited the hospital the surgeon after opening and stitching me up sent me home saying it was on a nerve and I could be paralyzed if he touched it. So I went home no better than when I went into the hospital.After attending a prayer section in my church and believed God for a miracle, I woke up one day after about a month later, to the glory of God, the lump was gone!!! I went back to the hospital to see the surgeon and he was amazed..he conducted further scans and test...Nothing!!
There is nothing too hard for God to do.


Anonymous said...

Wow!... that's really a miracle. who says God isn't a wonder working God?

Lezua Opara said...

indeed he is

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