Still About The Two ISO Accredited Laboratories In Nigeria - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Still About The Two ISO Accredited Laboratories In Nigeria | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Friday 8 May 2015

Still About The Two ISO Accredited Laboratories In Nigeria

The Institute of Public Analysts of Nigeria (IPAN) has deplored the insufficient number of accredited laboratories in Nigeria.
IPAN in a stunning statistics released by its President, Dr. Dahiru Adamu yesterday said Nigeria has only two of such laboratories as against 340 in existence in South Africa.

China, in Adamu’s view has the highest number of accredited laboratories in the world followed by the United States with 13,000 while in South Korea there are 7,000 of such laboratories.

The IPAN, a parastatal under the Federal Ministry of Health, is the professional regulatory body of Public Analysts established by Section 1 of IPAN Act Cap. 116 LFN 2004 (formerly Decree No. 100 of (1992) to train, examine, register and regulate the practice of Public Analysts in Nigeria.

Public Analysts are professionals trained, registered and authorised by law to carry out laboratory analysis on consumer and health-related products such as; food, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, water, consumer products, environment and so on. IPAN also issues certificates regarding their composition, use, quality, safety and efficacy.

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