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Saturday 29 November 2014

It's Saturday
Health Tips
   Image result for pictures of health tips
Dieticians across the world recommend eating small meals at regular intervals during the day. Here are some tips:
• Breakfast at 7 am: Pack in a protein punch for breakfast to keep you feeling full and energetic throughout the day.

• Snack at 10 am: Have a fruit or vegetable salad for your fibre intake. Mix it up with protein content.

• Lunch at 12:30 pm: Include foods with extra protein such as legumes, beans, soybeans etc . Pair
these with veggies like carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, sliced cucumber, etc.

• Snack at 4pm: Eat fruit, yogurt or a grilled cheese sandwich to sustain your energy levels further.

• Dinner at 7pm: Choose foods to create a healthy platter with one quarter proteins, one quarter whole grains and one half veggies.

Plenty of veggies and fruit is very good for the body.
Taught I should share this because a CNB friend dropped a comment that I should share more diet and health tips.
Lets eat healthy.
Happy weekend


Anonymous said...

Thanks CNB for these tips..I look forward to it.
you are doing a great job dear

Anonymous said...

I just love CNB.
new but educative. keep it up CNB
if you continue this way, you will surely excel

Anonymous said...

I read your blog daily and I have added it to the list of blogs I read because of your interesting and educative post.
God bless you CNB. doing a great job here
chi babe

Anonymous said...

Infact, CNB is doing well with her post.
I love your wednesday jokes, thursday fruit posts,
and especially the weird FACT on Fridays.
now this new saturday health tips is great.

Anonymous said...

Me, I am a chineke guy, so I love the Sunday reflections more.
'repent you all like me'
cute guy

Anonymous said...

@cute guy. see who is talking, worldly guy like you claiming chineke guy.which born again will answer cute guy..mteeeew!
chi babe

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