Foods That Can Cause Heart Burn:Eat Healthy - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Foods That Can Cause Heart Burn:Eat Healthy | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Saturday 9 May 2015

Foods That Can Cause Heart Burn:Eat Healthy


Certain foods seem to particularly hasten and aggravate Stomach Acid Reflux. A condition that occur when acid stores in the upper abdomen, It is characterized by burning pain sensation at the lower chest area.
Though there are other lifestyle choices that acid reflux sufferers can make, including learning to stop smoking, wearing loose-fitting clothing or elevating the head of the bed, most of a doctor's recommendations will revolve around food. How much you eat and when you eat are certainly issues -- it's recommended that those who experience acid reflux not eat large meals or in the three hours before bed. But which foods are worse for acid reflux?

See some foods that can cause heart burn if eaten in large quantities:
Tomatoes, peppermint, citrus, soda, coffee, fried foods, onions, garlic and alcohol.

Many doctors will suggest that heart burn sufferers eliminate all of these foods from their diet. Other doctors, however, say that the evidence just isn't there for some of these items. While these foods and beverages may bring on acid reflux for some people, there's no need for everyone to give up on garlic. In fact, researchers at Stanford University found that making dietary changes had very little effect on the occurrence of acid reflux, More important to getting relief were lifestyle changes like elevating the head of a bed or losing weight.

The reason that those that lost weight had such success is likely due to the fact that adding weight is such a major risk factor for acid reflux. That means that eating too much of any food may be much worse than consuming just a little of one of the so-called bad foods above. Even shaving just a few pounds off your frame can make a difference in the occurrence and severity of acid reflux.

Still, just because doctors say these trigger foods might have an undeservedly bad reputation doesn't mean that you shouldn't limit some of them from your diet. The worst food for acid reflux is the one that causes your acid reflux. To determine which foods get your acid churning, keep a food journal and note the meals that brought on symptoms. Once you identify those foods, you can cut them from your diet completely, try consuming them in smaller quantities or take an anti-reflux medication before eating them.
So eat right and live healthy.

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