Photo:'Dead' man starts breathing again on the way to the morgue - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Photo:'Dead' man starts breathing again on the way to the morgue | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Saturday 23 May 2015

Photo:'Dead' man starts breathing again on the way to the morgue


A 46-year-old Milwaukee man, Thomas Sancomb, who was considered officially dead, and police had already contacted his family to inform them. But in a strange turn of events, the supposedly dead man came back to life during the transportation of the body.

The man was found in his high-rise apartment, rigid and unresponsive. His girlfriend notified police that she couldn’t reach him, claiming he had a serious medical condition that caused him continuous health problems. Police, paramedics, and fire fighters all rushed to the scene to find the man lifeless at the foot of the bed. Rigor mortis had already set in.
“They found him cold to the touch and in rigor,” said the medical examiner’s report. “They did not attempt to resuscitate him. Death was pronounced.”

A medical transport arrived to take the man to the morgue to determine cause of death, but just as they were loading him onto the vehicle, the man started showing signs of life. His breathing returned and his right arm and leg started moving.

He was quickly taken to a hospital instead of the morgue.
It’s still unclear what affliction caused the near-death experience, but the brother of the Milwaukee man informed local news that he’s recovering quickly.

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