Photo:This Woman Didn't Know She Was 8 Months Pregnant Until Her Boyfriend Felt Baby's Kick - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Photo:This Woman Didn't Know She Was 8 Months Pregnant Until Her Boyfriend Felt Baby's Kick | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Sunday 10 May 2015

Photo:This Woman Didn't Know She Was 8 Months Pregnant Until Her Boyfriend Felt Baby's Kick

Abby Wake, from North Hollywood, California, had no idea that she was pregnant, despite admitting to experiencing some discomfort in her stomach, a feeling she put down to food intolerance. However, Abby’s boyfriend, Australian Jarryd Gorman, recently realized she might be well on her way to becoming a mom when he put his hand on her stomach during a concert and felt a kick.
'I felt the baby kick and I looked at her and said, "I think you're definitely pregnant,"' Jarryd told CBS

According to DailyMail, Abby claimed that she hadn't felt any symptoms of pregnancy - no morning sickness or back aches - and added that she had always experienced irregular periods.
Her stomach had grown, but the actress assumed that she has just gained weight and was experiencing bloating. 

She dismissed the baby's movements as bloating as well - Abby is lactose intolerant and thought what she was feeling was just gas.
'There weren't, like, kicks and huge movements,' she explained. 'It was just like gurgles.'
They decided to visit Dr. Payman Joseph, an OB-GYN specialist, it became immediately clear that she wasn't just overdoing it with her milk intake - she actually had a child on the way.
'[The doctor] was just, like, "32 weeks",' Abby recalled. 'We were like, "I'm sorry?"' At that stage, the average baby weighs about 3.75lbs and is the size of a coconut.
Dr. Joseph insisted that though Abby's predicament seems hard to believe, it happens to women more often than people think.
However, he added, 'She's very thin compared to a lot of the other women I've seen this in.

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