Senate Passes National Tobacco Control Bill - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Senate Passes National Tobacco Control Bill | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Thursday 14 May 2015

Senate Passes National Tobacco Control Bill


The Senate has passed the National Tobacco Control Bill 2015 and the Equipment Leasing Bill 2015.
The bill when assented to by President Goodluck Jonathan will repeal the existing ``Tobacco Smoking (Control) Act, CAP.T6, LFN 2004’’, enacted in 1990 and amended years later.
The bill will ensure effective regulation and control of production, manufacture, sale, labelling, advertising, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco and tobacco products in Nigeria.

It will also ensure balance between economic consideration and health implications of tobacco manufacture, use and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, among other things.
The Equipment Leasing Bill is intended to regulate the business of equipment leasing in Nigeria.
It is proposed to bring sanity and certainty to the practice of leasing in Nigeria as well as protect the lessees (users) and the lessors (owners).

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