Sen. Ojudu clarifies his statements on election shift - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Sen. Ojudu clarifies his statements on election shift | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Friday 13 February 2015

Sen. Ojudu clarifies his statements on election shift

The lawmaker representing Ekiti Central senatorial district, Senator Babafemi Ojudu yesterday denied a report credited to him wherein he was quoted as saying that the Senate President, Senator David Mark clamoured for a shift in the election date.Ojudu stated that Mark only said election should not be Nigeria’s priority in a speech he gave after the 2014 summer break.

 Recent media reports had quoted Ojudu as saying that the Senate President was part of the plan to postpone the February General Elections.
In a statement he signed, Ojudu said the senate president did not specifically ask the senators to support the deferment of the General Elections.
The statement said: “What I said was that when we came back from last year’s summer break, the senate president gave a speech where he said that left to him, the defeat of Boko Haram should be the nation’s priority now and not an election.
“I said from that moment on I began to feel that the elections as fixed for February may not hold since the nation may not have overcome Boko Haram by then,” the statement said.
culled here

(really?, you were 'feeling that the elections may not hold'...hian!!...we need facts not 'feelings'..too much misinformation already over this election ishh).

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