Funny: There Are Some Things Kids Do Or Say That An Adult Will Never Do - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Funny: There Are Some Things Kids Do Or Say That An Adult Will Never Do | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Friday 20 February 2015

Funny: There Are Some Things Kids Do Or Say That An Adult Will Never Do

              Image result for pictures of laughing smiley              
Pulling down a woman’s shirt and yelling “I WANT BOOB!”
 Pooping in the yard.
 Repeated malicious destruction of property.
 Hitting strange children with sticks.
 Saying “I kill you” to friends, parents.
 Hitting the dog with a light plank.
 Peeing on the floor in Target.
 Eating an entire box of cookies
 Removing his pants in Target.
 Removing his pants on school grounds.
 Removing his pants in church.
 Removing his pants everywhere.
 Ignoring all “do not enter signs” and “keep out” barriers in museums.
 Touching the paintings at art museums.
Hitting his brother with sticks, metal objects.
. Throwing rocks at children.

. Removing his pants at a state park.
. Attempting to climb on fire trucks.
. Exposing himself to small children, yelling, “I HAVE PENIS!
  Removing his pants on the playground.
. Hitting the baby on the head with a wooden hammer.
. Riding the dog.
. Pointing his penis at people while making laser noises.
. Intentionally peeing on friends.
Wants you to carry them when they are tired.
Sleeping anywhere, anytime.
Taking what they want, even if it means fighting for what isn't theirs.
Spitting out food that they do not want.
Questioning everything and everyone.
laughing without a reason.
Walking in their night wear all day.
Singing unabashedly
Correcting anyone on anything.
Giving everyone your phone number.
Riding on a super market trolly cart.

Do you have more?? please share with us....Lol

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