Do You Know That Some Foods Can Keep You Awake At Night?? - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Do You Know That Some Foods Can Keep You Awake At Night?? | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Thursday 19 February 2015

Do You Know That Some Foods Can Keep You Awake At Night??

        Image result for picture of people that can not sleep
Today is our Fruity Thursday, ( For our newbies, fruity Thursday is when we choose to talk about the health benefits of either a fruit or a vegetable).

 I have been very very busy all day and decided to make it up to you my dear CNB friends by listing few foods that can keep you awake at night apart from the usual causes of insomnia.
We've done a post about foods/stuff that can help you sleep better, in case you missed it, you can read it here again
So here it goes:

Do you know that Tyramine, an amino acid found in aged and fermented foods, stimulates the brain and could keep you up at night as a result. Aged cheese, smoked fish, and cured meats all contain it—so if you must have a cheesy snack before bedtime, stick to the fresh stuff.

Anything with a lot of acid can cause heartburn and discomfort during the night—and that includes tomato-based foods and spicy dishes.

Also, raw broccoli, cauliflower and carrots will make you feel full quickly...but will still be moving uncomfortably through your digestive system long after.

 So, when next you want a late night snack, remember that it is not only coffee that can keep you awake at night.


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