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Wednesday 31 December 2014

Buhari has health Issues, may not last more than one year in office
             Image result for picture of buhari       
A source, knowledgeable of happenings within the corridors of power, Aso Rock, has said there is a security report concerning the health of Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, the APC presidential standard bearer.
The source told Daily post that the 72 year-old former Head of State may not live more than a year or two if he assumes office as Nigeria's President in 2015.

"Many people think the presidency or the PDP is trying to portray Buhari in a bad light or declare him unfit for the nation's topmost job but the information I am giving you is authentic," he assured.

Asked to provide specifics of the content of the security report to back up his claim, the source said: "A part of it goes thus: "Should Buhari win, he may not be able to complete a single four-year tenure due to his health condition as he continues to manage his health secretly."
"Let me ask you these questions: Why do you think Tinubu was ready to risk a Muslim/Muslim ticket? Why do you think he presented himself at the eleventh hour when talks were on to pick Buhari's running mate? When he failed in his quest, why do you think he picked his associate of 20 years?
"The truth is that Tinubu and his cohorts knows the demands of office will tell on Buhari and same will either kill him or weigh him down excessively," the source added.

North not backing Buhari
The source further told Daily Post that powers that be in the North are not comfortable with the choice of Buhari.
"Look, many eminent personalities in the North are not supporting Buhari's candidature because they also know this fact that I am saying," he said.
"They are aware that Buhari may not see 2019, so they don't want to gamble. We all know there exists a Northern cabal and these guys will rather wait for President Jonathan to complete his eight years and hand over to them. They want eight years too!
"So they have agreed not to throw their weight behind Buhari, who may not even see four years through. The North do not want a repetition of the Yar'adua saga; there are being very careful.
"This is because if anything happens to Buhari, power will return to the South; South-West for that matter and this may happen less than a decade after Baba Obasanjo left Aso Rock.
"Not just that, power will effectively be in the hands of the rogue called Bola Tinubu because Osinbajo is his confirmed stooge. Can you now see all these indices? Now, who in his or her right senses would believe that the North are backing Buhari. Certainly, not the North I know."

The Obasanjo angle
Daily Post also gathered that former President Olusegun Obasanjo is in the know of the permutation being worked out by Tinubu.
"Some Nigerians are so gullible," our source said. "What do you think Tinubu was going to do in Obasanjo's house in Ota? To eat eba and vegetable soup," he quipped rhetorically.
"He was part of the grand plan for Buhari to win APC presidential primary because they know he won't last. He is on a mission, alongside the APC, to retain power in the South.
"They are planning to short-change the North again and the Arewa hierarchy have uncovered the plot. Like I said before, many prominent Northern leaders have taken a decision not to endorse the Buhari's and an APC presidency because they also have access to the security report on his health."
"Obasanjo is aware of the document; Tinubu too. So they know very well what they are doing."

The APC South-East spokesman, Osita Okechukwu, has however dismissed the claim on Buhari's health as false and a way to cause doubts about the APC presidential candidate.

He said: "it's not up to a month that we (APC) held a rally at the Eagle Square. From there, we walked to Transcorp Hilton then to Police Headquarters and back to Eagle Square. While some of were panting, Gen. Buhari surprisingly did not. In fact, he walked faster than most of us.

"They are only trying to dig up what is non-existent; no record of their claim. The General has his doctor and anyone can contact him rather than speculate.
"Some of us have been with him since 2002 and we know he is healthy. They are bringing this up now because they know Buhari has 60 percent chance at the polls," the spokesman said in veiled reference to the PDP.
Continuing, Okechukwu assured that "Again, Gen. Buhari is fit as a fiddle. Please disregard the news; it is deceptive and meant to douse his ever-growing profile.
"They are worried he has been accepted nationwide and even President Goodluck Jonathan, who is Buhari's de facto campaign manager, cannot match his popularity and wide acceptance."

Another FMC Doctor attacked by gunmen in Akure
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Another medical doctor with the Federal Medical Centre, Owo, Muyiwa Alonge, narrowly escaped death on Tuesday after some gunmen broke into his home at Aule in the Akure metropolis.
The attack is coming barely a week after his professional colleague, Dr. David Oguntuase, was suspected to have been assassinated and burnt beyond recognition.
Alonge and Oguntuase were on the list of persons accused of threatening the life of the Medical Director of FMC.

Longe told Punch News on Tuesday that the attackers broke through his door brandishing weapons and threatening to kill him.
“They actually did not ask for anything. They said they came to kill me. For over 30 minutes I pleaded with them and prayed, and somehow they changed their minds,” the doctor said.
He also narrated that he was hit with a metal and manhandled in the presence of his wife and children.
“I can only say that I escaped with my life through the help of God. They came in about 2am. They were two that came in, but we suspected that there were others waiting outside,” he said.
He said the gunmen eventually went away with his computers, money and phones.
Longe said the matter had been reported at the Okuta Elerinla Police Station in Akure.

The Nigerian Medical Association, Ondo State, had on Monday called on the government to provide security for the other eight members alleged to be after the life of FMC Medical Director to forestall any threat to their lives.
The state Police Public Relations Officer, Wole Ogodo, confirmed the incident.
He said the police would apprehend the criminals.
End of month freebies...recharge cards
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Load and say thank you by commenting. I will send personal recharge cards to my regular readers to say thank you for commenting on my blog (Lezua, Pishian, Chi babe etc)
Thank you to all my likkle community of blog visitors, may God bless you richly
Happy new year in advance.

16-year-old girl gives birth to triplets in Delta state
       A 16-year-old girl has given birth to triplets (not pictured) in Delta State
A 16-year-old girl, Helen Ezeh, in Delta State has given birth to triplets.

Reports say she delivered the babies in Owhelogbo community, in the Isoko North Local Government Area of the state.
The children were said to have been born prematurely, after just seven months of pregnancy.
However, both the mother of the children and the newborns are doing well. 
The father of the children, John Eyavoro has also reportedly given thanks to God for the miraculous birth.

55-Year-Old Man arrested for defiling 9 years old daughter in Edo
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A 55-year-old Edo man has been arrested for the alleged defilement of his 9-year-old daughter, Nigerian Tribune has revealed.

The suspect, known only as Osaro, was reported to officials by his wife Stella, who also added that he had previously impregnated her 17-year-old daughter.

Stella is alleged to have returned to the matrimonial home after her husband repented for his previous crime and claimed to have turned over a new leaf.

After begging for forgiveness and pleading with his wife, the man settled back into his home before he proceeded to defile the minor.

After confronting her husband about his offence, Osaro allegedly denied all accusations until her was caught by his wife on top of his daughter.

Following an examination on her daughter, Stella confronted her husband and was beaten up as a result. Neighbors intervened and had the man detained.

The victim, who told officials of her ordeal, pleaded with police to jail the man.

Laugh it off....LOL

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Scotland confirms First case of Ebola

A health-care worker arriving from Ebola-stricken Sierra Leone in Glasgow was just diagnosed with the Ebola virus, according to Scotland's National Health Service.

"Infectious diseases procedures have now been put into effect and the patient has been isolated and is receiving treatment in the specialist Brownlee Unit for Infectious Diseases on the Gartnavel Hospital campus," the National health service said in a statement.

"The patient is a health care worker who was helping to combat the disease in west Africa. They returned to Scotland from Sierra Leone late last night via Casablanca and London Heathrow, arriving into Glasgow Airport on a British Airways flight at around 11.30pm."

"The patient was admitted to hospital early in the morning after feeling unwell and was placed into isolation at 7.50am. All possible contacts with the patient are now being investigated and anyone deemed to be at risk will be contacted and closely monitored. However, having been diagnosed in the very early stages of the illness, the risk to others is considered extremely low.

Refugee father uses daughter as collateral for N600,000 loan in Bakassi
         Mary and Okon
This is long sad story of how sickness and starvation has become a normal occurrence amongst the displaced Bakassi indigenes...it's a must read..they really do need urgent help.
the piece was written for Punch news by Temitayo Famutimi.
Apart from hunger and ill health ravaging the camps of displaced Bakassi indigenes, TEMITAYO FAMUTIMI uncovers the story of a 12-year-old girl whose refugee father has pushed into servitude
In the dusty village of Akwa Ikot Eyo Edem, Akpabuyo Local Government Area of Cross River State, Edet Okon sat down in front of St. Mark Primary School.
Sitting cross-legged on the concrete floor on one of the blocks of classrooms he now calls his home, the 40-year-old father of three leaned forward to exchange pleasantries with this correspondent.
Okon’s immediate family members and 963 other households had fled their ancestral homes in Efut Obot Ikot in the ceded Bakassi Peninsula in March 2013.

In the beginning
They escaped the alleged sacking of their villages and fishing posts by Cameroonian gendermanes in which some Bakassi indigenes reportedly lost their lives, while scores sustained varying degrees of life-threatening injuries.
The onslaught followed the Federal Government’s handing over of the ceded Bakassi Peninsular to Cameroon in 2007, in compliance with a 2002 International Court of Justice judgment.
After having travelled by boat and foot over several kilometers to safety, they took shelter in two of the three blocks of classrooms at St. Mark Primary School, and another classroom block at Community Secondary School in the same Akwa Ikot Eyo Edem community.
Okon, like his fellow displaced Bakassi indigenes, left behind all his property and means of livelihood, majorly fishing nets and boats, as they ran for dear life.
The Cross River State Government took responsibility for their feeding since they relocated from Bakassi. But since September 2014, relief materials, including food stuffs, have not been provided for the hundreds of displaced indigenes camped in the two schools.
The camps had literally been turned into a melting pot for hungry and largely sick refugees, many of who now live on handouts from churches and local farmers in the community.

His daughter now a collateral
Okon, who joined our correspondent on a tour of the overcrowded refugee camps, appeared less bothered about the life of squalor they now lead.
The fisherman lost his first daughter, Blessing, to the cold hands of death in September 2013, after battling with blood cancer for five months.
But Okon’s agony did not end with Blessing’s death. Indeed, he now lives in the pool of the anguish of a man who has to practically sell his child into slavery. To raise funds for the series of medical tests, drugs, feeding and hospital bills incurred by Blessing, he opted to secure loans from someone to save her dying daughter.
With no property to guarantee the loan, Okon gave up his second daughter, Mary, as collateral to secure the sum of N600, 000 given to him in installments.
Our correspondent gathered that the creditor is a civil servant based in Calabar.
“I was desperate to save Blessing from dying. Her situation had become critical at that time. That was the only thing I could do to salvage the situation. I am heartbroken,” Okon said, as his voice faded off, breaking down in tears.
As tears rolled down his cheeks, he recalled the day he ‘sold’ her daughter into servitude.
“I don’t know what came over me. It was sheer desperation I gave out my daughter so that the man would accept to give us the money,” Okon added, fighting back regrets of what many are likely to regard as condemnable.
Our correspondent reached out to the intermediary, Daniel Ufot. He helped Okon to negotiate the N600, 000 loan from the creditor. On getting to the residence of the 59-year-old Ufot, who lives some five kilometres away from the camp, our correspondent found Mary in his residence.
Ufot explained that some plain-cloth security operatives keeping watch on the camp had asked him to bring Mary from Calabar to meet with his father who he had not seen in 19 months.
“I do not know Okon from Adam. But since I’m an expert in money lending, I offered to help him after having learnt of his predicament on how he had been battling to save the life of his daughter.
“But unfortunately, he could not provide any form of collateral to secure the loan. But the creditor, in his magnanimity, agreed to have her daughter as collateral since she was the only valuable ‘thing’ he could offer,” Ufot said.
In a chat with this correspondent, Mary, who was a junior secondary school 2 pupil before they left Bakassi in March, 2013, has since dropped out of school following their displacement from the oil rich peninsular. She shared horrible tales of inhuman treatment in the hands of her father’s creditor.
Every morning, Mary hawks bottle water on the streets of Calabar, where, incidentally, Mary Slessor stopped the killing of twins. Observers may also spot the irony in the name of the legendary missionary and the enslaved Mary Okon. She added that on any day she failed to exhaust the sales of her wares, her new guardians descended heavily on her, beating her mercilessly in the process.
“The man my father is owing has three female children and some other relatives are also putting up with us in the house. They normally give me a revenue target of N1, 000 daily.
“And sometimes when the market is bad and I don’t finish selling the water, they beat me up. They treat me very badly. I eat only once in a day and that is in the morning.
“I wash all their clothes, including the ladies’ pants, and do other house chores, too. And if I hesitate on washing their pants, they get infuriated and throw objects at me at will. I will not feel happy if I go back there,” she narrated.
Yet, Ufot insisted that he only brought Mary to meet with his father as a respite since he had not set his eyes on her for about 19 months.
“There are no signs that they would be repaying the loan. I only obeyed the instruction of the security men. She will be on her way back to the creditor’s place in Calabar,” Ufot said.
When contacted, the Refugee Camp Leader, Etim Ene, confirmed to our correspondent on the telephone on Monday that Mary has indeed returned to the creditor in Calabar.
Ene said, “Mary has been taken to the creditor’s house in Calabar South. He was taken away by the guarantor, on December 2.”
Efforts by our correspondent to trace the address of the creditor, whose name is given as Asuquo Etim, said to be residing on Atimbo Road, Calabar South Local Government Area, was abortive. The creditor is said to be an employee of the Cross River State Urban Development Agency.
Ufot had earlier refused to allow Mary to travel with our correspondent to her master’s residence for fear of the unknown.
Mary’s mother was away in the farm during a visit by The Punch.

Nursing mother feeds on garri
The expectation of a baby often brings excitement and joy. But for displaced Bakassi indigenes camped in dilapidated and overcrowded classrooms in Akwa Ikot Eyo Edem village, the birth of a newborn baby cause them anxiety and sorrow.
Thirty five-year-old Nkese Peter gave birth to her fifth child, Bright, on September 27 in the camp. On sensing the economic burden the new-born baby would have on the finances of the poor family, Nkese’s husband, Simon, a Bakassi fisherman before their displacement, tried to make ends meet by taking to small scale farming.
But bad yields, occasioned by his inexperience with the agricultural activity, had made him record successive losses. Compounding their woes is the alleged failure of the Cross River State Government to provide the camps with food and other relief materials for three months running.
To keep body and soul together, Nkese, a nursing mother, now survives on garri daily. Yet, medical experts are of the opinion that a staple food like garri would do little in boosting the production of milk, a newborn is expected to feed on.
“Feeding is my major challenge. I’m facing hunger. I eat once in a day and that is garri, which I drink once in a day. The simple question I want to ask the authorities is: When are they coming to see us and resettle us? We are really suffering. We need assistance; we are not finding it easy staying here,” the distraught mother of five said in an emotion-laden voice.

Like mother, like son
Following a request by our correspondent, the only resident nurse in the camp, Patricia Asuquo, agreed to examine Nkese and Bright.
“They are both anaemic,” the medical official declared, as she pulled their lower eyelids down one after the other.
Facing two months old Bright, whose body was covered with rashes, Asuquo explained that the poor nutrition of her mother was telling greatly on his feeding and resistance to “little illnesses and body reactions.”
“The baby is not sucking any nutrients from the mother. The mother is malnourished herself, so what do we expect from the child?” Asuquo lamented.
The medical official who is in the employ of the state government explained that the poor nutrition of the displaced persons, coupled with the poor sanitary and unhealthy condition of the camp, was dealing a devastating blow to their health.

Health centre without drugs
Yet, the health centre which the nurse solely oversees had run out of drugs as of December 1 when our correspondent visited there. The only drugs she dispensed were Paracetamol and Vitamin C to patients suffering various ailments such as pneumonia, typhoid and malaria fever.
“There is no drug, there is no food. My job was easier when there were drugs. Many of their children have rashes and poxes but there are no anti-biotics to treat them. The situation is that bad.
“I think they need to experience a better life than this. Many of those suffering ailments simply lie down helplessly,” she added as she took our correspondent on an inspection of the health centre.
While expressing concern over the condition under which they live, the nurse lamented that attending to over 3,000 displaced persons in the two camps was overwhelming.
One of her major challenges, she added, was the fact that she had not had a break since 2013 when she was posted to oversee the provision of primary health care to them.
“I’m overwhelmed. That is my challenge. As a health staffer, I am supposed to run shifts and have some off days. But since I resume here in 2013, I work from morning till evening and at times I spend the night in the stuffy health centre. No offs, no shifts, no leave, no inconvenient allowances. The way they abandoned them, they have also abandoned me,” Asuquo said.
A 69-year-old widow, Bassey Eyo, lamenting the untoward hardship she had been going through since she returned from the ceded Bakassi peninsular, asked if it was fair for them to be on the receiving end of “utter neglect.”
“I have enough firewood to cook but there are no foodstuffs. How long would I continue to sleep on empty stomach?” she asked, bursting into tears.
Leader of the Bakassi returnees in the camp, Mr. Etim Ene, said the aged in the camp now “look haggard occasioned by hunger and want.”
According to him, the young returnees desperate to eke out a living are now being recruited by politicians as thugs.
“It is running into months now since food was distributed to us in this camp. Many of us have become sick due to poor nutrition. The sick ones among us go to the various churches for feeding and healing.
“It is saddening that the state government has totally abandoned the people of Bakassi. No help from the agencies. The hunger is much especially among the elderly ones.”
But the authorities are always quick to boast having resettled and rehabilitated many Bakassi returnees while also claiming to have equipped them with skills capable of making them self-reliant.

‘We are also hungry’
However, hundreds of returnees at the Obutong and Ikot Efiom resettlement centres, Bakassi Local Government Area, disagreed with the authorities during a visit by our correspondent.
The returnees in the two resettlement centres were the first set of displaced indigenes that left the ceded territories in October 2009.
They moved into the mini-flats in the resettlement centres built by the Cross River State Government in January 2010.
In spite of what many would describe as a kind gesture from the government, the “resettled” returnees described themselves as “political orphans.”
General Coordinator of the two centres, Prince Aston Joseph, said, “I hate to hear that we have been resettled. They provided over 2,800 households with 343 mini-flats and they call that resettlement.
“Bakassi people are fishermen and we marry more than one wife and give birth to a large number of children. They allocated us empty houses with no facilities. The only property given to each household is a single bed.
“Can you imagine how a family with between eight to 15 children will share a bed? When we moved in here in 2010, they only fed us for three months and since then, they abandoned us.
“No food, no rehabilitation, no resettlement. Their talk of empowerment is untrue. They only brought forms for skill acquisition and we filled and returned to them but we haven’t heard from them ever since. None of the skill acquisition programmes has been implemented here.”

Death by starvation
Lamenting the toll of hunger on the Bakassi indigenes, secretary of the returnee association in the two resettlement centres, Linus Asuquo-Essien, said one of them died of starvation in September.
The deceased, 38-year-old Edet Archibong, was said to have been complaining of starvation for weeks and had been living on food donations from his co-returnees.
“We complained to the Bakassi Local Government officials and the state government about the state of affairs with Archibong but they did not respond. People were tired of fending for him so he was left alone.
“At a point he took ill and his condition deteriorated in August. Those people who used to support him thought he had Ebola and everyone distanced themselves from him. The government officials refused to come and we lost him in the process.
“We requested that the government people should arrange for his burial, but they refused to heed our call. We had to procure gloves and we did the interment ourselves,” Asuquo-Essien explained at the site where Archibong’s remains were interred.
But the Cross River State Government said it remained committed to providing the displaced Bakassi indigenes with “mass care” and prioritising their “basic needs”.
Officials at the Governor’s Office, however, noted that it was true that the displaced Bakassi people housed in schools-turned camps in Akpabuyo Local Government Area had stopped receiving food and other relief materials since September.

‘No food for Bakassi refugees anymore’
Director General State Emergency Management Agency in the Cross River Governor’s Office, Vincent Aqua, blamed the development on the resolve of the state government to replace the distribution of food and relief materials with “conditional cash transfer of N5,000” to each household.
“We decided to replace it (foodstuffs and relief materials) with conditional cash transfer. It is easier and it helps them more as they can determine what they want to do with the money they are given.
“The Cross River State Ministry of Social Welfare is where the conditional cash transfer is domiciled and they are working out the modalities and any moment from now they would start getting it,” Aqua said.
He argued that he was aware the Bakassi returnees’ health would have been deteriorating due to starvation. “They could have a drop in their health status in very recent times. But their health condition is not too bad,” he added.
According to the SEMA DG, the Bakassi returnees in Obutong and Ikot Efiom resettlement centres have been resettled and would no longer enjoy the distribution of relief materials.
“We can no longer give food to people at the resettlement centre. They have been given accommodation and equipped with skills and empowerment tools. You cannot begin to carry out rehabilitation for people who have been resettled by the government,” he said.

Waiting for the UN
While thousands of Bakassi indigenes have since relocated from the ceded territories and returned to Nigeria to pick up the pieces of their lives after their displacement, hopes of reintegration have continued to elude them.
Sadly, as thousands of them look forward to being economically empowered and become financially self-reliant, there are no accurate statistics of the number of displaced indigenes who have yet to be resettled.
Aqua acknowledged that there was “no clear cut programme” that has been put forward for the resettlement of thousands of Bakassi refugees who have yet to be catered for.
“We have not compiled their statistics. When there is a programme we will begin to compile data to fit into the plan,” he added.
Noting that Cross River State had been carrying out “humanitarian disaster management” which runs into millions of naira, the SEMA DG lamented that the Federal Government had done little to alleviate the suffering of the Bakassi indigenes.
He explained that the state government was now looking up to the United Nations to help resettle the thousands of displaced indigenes with a view to giving them a new life.
“There is an indication that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is interested in the resettlement of the Bakassi people.
“We hope that by next year (2015) they (UNHCR) will begin to discuss with us about resettlement. We also hope that by next year the Federal Government would move towards their proper resettlement,” Aqua stated.

FG’s reaction
When contacted on the efforts by the Federal Government to permanently resettle the Bakassi refugees, Director of Press and Public Relations, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Alhaji Ade Yusuf, said, “I don’t have any information about that. If I find out, I will get back to you.”
But the National Emergency Management Agency explained that it was not aware that Bakassi returnees in housed in refugee camps and resettlement centres were starving.
NEMA South South Zonal Coordinator, Mr. Ben Oghena, told our correspondent that the Federal Government through the agency had over the years distributed “quantum of relief materials” to the returnees.
“The Cross River State government has not told us that they have been overwhelmed. They should tell us. Then we can see how we can support what the state government is doing,” Oghena stated.
Noting that NEMA had not been treating the plight of the refugees with levity, the NEMA boss observed that the agency in collaboration with relevant government agencies were looking at “permanent solutions” to the problems of the Bakassi people.
“It’s (Bakassi returnees displacement) taking too long and it’s the state (Cross River) and their local government can tell us what the plan is. The land where they will be resettled must be provided by them because it is not the Federal Government that will do that,” he added.
In 1994, the Republic of Cameroon led by its President Paul Biya, brought a case before the International Court of Justice to rule on the sovereignty of the oil-rich Bakassi Peninsular.
Before then, there had been decades of border skirmishes and palpable tension between Nigeria and Cameroon which almost degenerated into a war in 1980.
After eight years of legal tussle at The Hague, Netherlands, the ICJ in its judgment dated October 10, 2002, ruled that “sovereignty over the Bakassi Peninsula lies with Cameroon.”
The caveat, which followed the ICJ verdict, was that the judgment was “final, without appeal and binding for the parties (Nigeria and Cameroon).”
On August 14, 2008, Nigeria formally handed over the oil rich peninsular to Cameroon, withdrawing troops from the hitherto disputed region whose population are predominantly Nigerians of the Annang, Efut, Efik and Ibibio ethnic stocks.

NDLEA seizes 6,821kg of Drugs in Kogi
The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) in Kogi State yesterday seized 6,821 kilograms of illicit drugs and impounded 11 vehicles.

Idris Bello, State Commander of the NDLEA, confirmed that 184 suspects were arrested in connection with offences related to drugs, while a 16 were arrested, The Nation reports.

Bello disclosed that the command executed a large-scale operation this year in the Ogori-Magongo Local Government Area, which led to the destruction of four large cannabis farms which measured approximately 35 acres.

Monday 29 December 2014

Police arrest Pastor of CAC in Osun, over death of 2 teenagers
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A pastor of a branch of Christ Apostolic Church in Ile Ife, Osun State identified only as Balogun, and his wife have been arrested by the Osun State Police Command following the death of two teenagers from their church inside a swimming pool in Osogbo during a Christmas party.
Punch correspondent gathered on Sunday that the church had organised a programme for the youths of the church at a popular recreational park in Osogbo on December 23.
The victims: Ayomide Fagbola aged 17 and Ifeoluwa, who was in Junior Secondary School 2 were said to have died inside the swimming pool during the programme.
A family friend of the Fagbolas told punch that Ifeoluwa was the first to fall inside the pool and Ayomide, in an attempt to rescue his friend, also dived into the water where he drowned.
The teenagers were said to have been taken to the park where the party was held by the youth leader of the church identified only as Isaac. The unfortunate incident happened during one of the activities.
Isaac was said to have been too scared to report the case to the families of the deceased when they returned to Ile Ife.
The leader reportedly went into hiding out of fear and the colleagues of the unfortunate kids were said to have taken the bags used by the dead children to their parents.
The parents were said to have waited for hours for their children to come back home but they waited in vain.
The bereaved parents were said to have gone to the church but found the place to be locked before reporting at the police station that their children were missing.
The source said, “They went to Osogbo for an excursion and one of the boys, Ifeoluwa, was said to have fallen inside the pool and Ayomide tried to rescue him and he also got drowned.
“The parents of the victims were not told what happened to their children. The youth leader just packed their clothes and shoes inside their bags and sent them to their parents.
“Their parents waited for hours and raised the alarm when it was getting late and they did not see their children.”
“Some members of the Fagbola family and those from the other family went to Osogbo and searched for the children but they later found their corpses at the mortuary of a missionary hospital in Osogbo where their bodies were deposited.
“A deep cut was found on the thigh of Ayomide and the cut is giving many of us reason to be worried. Could somebody who was drowned in a pool have a cut on his thigh?”
The police were said to have searched for the youth leader and eventually located the pastor and his wife at their residence where they were arrested.
The arrested persons were said to have been taken to the Police Headquarters in Osogbo where they are currently being interrogated.
Punch news made efforts to speak with the Police Public Relations Officer in Osun State, Mrs. Folasade Odoro, but it was unsuccessful.
A text message sent to her telephone had not been replied as at the time of filing this report

Emm..VP Namadi Sambo says his Bachelor and Master's degree was consumed by fire
           Namadi Sambo.jpg
Vice President Mohammed Namadi Sambo  says his academic certificates no longer exist.

He told the Independent National Electoral Commission that his Bachelors and Masters degrees certificates in Architecture from the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, have been consumed by fire, yet refused to give details of the ‘fire incident’.
He made the declaration in two documents he filed with INEC and displayed on the commission’s office in Abuja.
The first letter, signed by one Alhassan Garba for the institution’s registrar under the title, “To Whom it may Concern: Mohammed Namani Sambo,” read, “I certify that the above-named person having completed an approved course of study and passed the prescribed examinations was awarded the Bachelor of Science (Architecture) with Second Class Honours (Lower Division) in 1976 by the Senate of this University. His original certificate got burnt. Please treat his case in view of this certification. Thank you.”
The second letter, also signed by Garba for the ABU registrar, read, “I certify that the above-named person having completed an approved course of study and passed the prescribed examinations was awarded the Master of Science (Architecture) on May 25, 1978 by the Senate of this University. His original certificate got burnt. Please treat his case in view of this certification. Thank you.” 


Ok..Witches and Wizards in Nigeria predict outcome of 2015 elections
           Image result for picture of witches     Image result for picture of witches
So the Nigerian witches and wizards say President Goodluck Jonathan will emerge winner of the 2015 general elections.
Not only that, they say the All Progressives Congress National Leader, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, will be betrayed in 2015 by his close aides.

This was revealed in a communique signed by Dr Okhue Iboi, President Witches & Wizards Association of Nigeria (WITZAN).
“Tinubu will be betrayed. He will be sold out by those he trusted. This betrayal will affect his political empire. Tinubu’s political dynasty is under threat of crumbling.
“Tinubu is a good man, but the bitter truth he must swallow today is that APC is going nowhere. Many top notchers of PDP that are in APC now will go back to PDP. Witches said so in November last year and it happened.
“I’m telling the whole world again today that many former PDP leaders that are now in APC will betray Tinubu and other APC leaders, they will go back to PDP this year, and before 2015 general elections,” the communique read.
“Jonathan will win re-election. Although there will be pockets of violence, Jonathan will win.
“I will also have to appeal to Buhari and Tinubu, they should not waste their money, time and energy on the poll. They should go home and rest. They should forget about becoming President or Vice President of Nigeria. APC will still lose more governors to PDP before this year runs out.”

I comment my reserve..Lol..waiting for your comments o

Sad,Man kills son who came home for Christmas in Ebonyi
        Image result for picture of ebonyi state
The Ebonyi State Police Command on Sunday confirmed the arrest of a 45-year old man, Nwofu Igbo, who allegedly killed his son in Nwofe Community in Izzi Local Government Area of the state.
The Police Public Relations officer (PPRO) of the command, ASP Chris Anyanwu, told NAN in Abakaliki that the matter was being investigated by the police.
“The police is prepared to get to the root of the problem that led to the killing of the boy,” Anyanwu said.
He said that the suspect had confessed to the killing of his 16-year-old son who returned from Lagos to celebrate the Christmas with his family members.
An eyewitness told NAN on condition of anonymity in Abakaliki that Igbo killed the son due to a squabble between him (Igbo) and the deceased’s mother.
“The suspect has, after a quarrel with his wife (mother of the deceased), banished her for reasons best known to him.”

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