Photo: Wanna visit space?see the new balloon powered space flight - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Photo: Wanna visit space?see the new balloon powered space flight | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Tuesday 3 March 2015

Photo: Wanna visit space?see the new balloon powered space flight


A company came one step closer to sending tourists to the edge of space using ginormous balloons, breaking a record for the world’s highest parafoil flight.
Arizona-based World View carried the parafoil—a large, wing-like parachute—to the edge of space using its ballon, and had it fly back to the ground. It also carried experiments designed by students from Montana State University and the University of North Florida.

The company wants to load its passengers into a flight capsule, attach that to a massive (as in roughly-the-size-of-a-football-stadium massive) polyethylene balloon filled with gas, and float them up to the destination altitude. After a leisurely two-hour jaunt through near-space, the capsule will begin its return trip, using the balloon initially and then transitioning to the parafoil to glide back to Earth.

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