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Thursday 1 January 2015

Fruity Thursday
        Image result for picture of cabbage    Image result for picture of cabbage
Cabbage is a low calorie vegetable. A popular choice in salad recipes, this fibre-rich vegetable offers a lot. Infact, the rush for Cabbage this Xmas season is something else..Lol
I trust my people, everybody must eat salad this period even if it's coleslaw.
Cabbage is an important member of the brassica family which also includes broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts. It is a round and leafy vegetable that is believed to have originated in the Eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor.

There are different types of cabbage:
Green cabbage (most common ball-like type)
Red cabbage (has a slight peppery flavor. It is more nutritious than the green variety)
Savoy cabbage (This cabbage’s color varies from light green to bluish green)
Wombok (Chinese oval shaped type)
        Image result for picture of purple cabbage  Image result for picture of cabbage
See some benefits:

.1 Anti-ageing benefits:

Regular consumption of cabbage along with other cruciferous vegetables can provide anti-ageing benefits to the skin. The rich amount of Vitamin C in this vegetable keeps the skin youthful and delays the ageing process. Moreover, the Vitamin A works together with Vitamin D to make your skin clear and healthy. It also avoids the destruction of skin cells due to ultraviolet rays.

2. Healing properties:

Cabbage has excellent skin healing properties. When used as a poultice, cabbage is effective in curing skin eruptions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, rashes, insect bites, leg ulcers and wounds. It helps cure arthritis as well. You can prepare the poultice by grating or processing some cabbage in a blender. Wrap the content mixed with some water in a cloth. Place it on the affected area for about 15 minutes. You can also crush the leaves and apply them directly on the affected areas. Regular application of this poultice as well as eating cabbage can help you heal faster.

Image result for picture of purple cabbage            Image result for picture of purple cabbage

3.Sulfur prevents acne:

Sulfur is considered as ‘Nature’s beauty mineral’. Because of its drying effect, it plays an important role in drying acne and breakouts. Moreover, it is vital for the synthesis of keratin, a protein substance that is essential for healthy hair, nails and skin. It also helps in cleansing your blood and removing bacteria and toxins from your body.

4. Cleansing property:

Its juice is extremely effective in cleansing your body as cabbages are abundant in Vitamin C. If you are suffering from acne, drinking cabbage juice can help in clearing it up. Cabbage juice can also heal infected gums caused by gingivitis.

     Image result for picture of chinese cabbage        Image result for picture of chinese cabbage

5.Eliminates the risk of cataract:

The beta carotene content in cabbage helps in prevention of macular degeneration of the eyes and thus, keeps cataract at bay.

6. Reduces risk of Alzheimer’s disease:

The latest research states that consuming cabbage, especially the red ones, can prevent Alzheimer’s. Vitamin K that is widely found in cabbage is responsible for this.

7. Helps in treatment of peptic ulcers:

Peptic or stomach ulcers are healed by consumption of cabbage. Its juice has anti ulcer properties owing to its high content of glutamine.

8. Assists in weight loss:

It is considered to be the best dish for those who constantly watch their weight. An entire cup of cooked cabbage contains merely 33 calories. Thus, a diet of cabbage soup would mean endless bowls with absolutely no weight gain.

9. Provides relief from constipation:

Proper digestion is facilitated due to the high fiber content in it. This helps in providing relief from constipation.
Image result for picture of cabbage salad      Image result for picture of cabbage salad

10.Provides relief from sore muscles:

Lactic acid present in it is known to provide effective relief from sore muscles.

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