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Tuesday 28 October 2014

Terminally ill Woman Choose to End Her Life in November

A terminally ill woman choose to end her life in November, She has crossed off the last item on her bucket list, as she and her family were able to travel to the Grand Canyon last week.

Fox news reported that After her wedding last year, Maynard began having severe headaches, and in January was diagnosed with grade II astrocytoma. Doctors initially gave her 10 years to live, but subsequent scans showed the tumor progressed into glioblastoma multiforme, the deadliest form of cancer with an average life expectancy of 14 months.
Doctors told Maynard her death would likely be slow and painful.
The family moved to Oregon where the state’s “Death with Dignity Act” allows people to choose to die using medication. Since the act was instated in 1997, more than 750 people have taken advantage of it.
“Sadly, it is impossible to forget my cancer. Severe headaches and neck pain are never far away, and unfortunately the next morning I had my worst seizure thus far. My speech was paralyzed for quite a while after I regained consciousness, and the feeling of fatigue continued for the rest of the day,” Maynard said on her website.
“The seizure was a harsh reminder that my symptoms continue to worsen as the tumor runs its course. However, I find meaning and take pride that the Compassion & Choices movement is accelerating rapidly, thanks to supporters like you,” Maynard said.
Maynard will die in her bedroom at home surrounded by her husband, mother, step-father and best friend.
so sad

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