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Monday 13 October 2014

Hi All,

Still on water melon....
Check this out

he wonders of water melon
Watermelon is one of my best fruits,it has great health benefits.
It contains 92% water with a very low fat content.
some of the benefits are:-

It support the nerve and muscles because of its high potassium content
(potassium help to determine the degree of muscle contractions)

Eye care, it contains beta-carotene which is later converted to vitamin A.
and yes vitamin A maintains good eye sight,skin and mucus membranes.

Improves blood flow via vasodilation.it contains Lycopene which is important for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

It helps to burn Fat. it contains citrulline(an amino acid) which help to reduce fat from our fat cells by converting to arginine with help from the kidneys.

Antioxidant. it is rich in phenolic compounds that help to reduce inflammation and neutralizes free radicals.

Now, don't you just loooove watermelon!


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