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Thursday 16 October 2014

Patients Flee as Gunmen Storm Jos Teaching Hospital, Kill Security Guard

Image result for picture of unijos teaching hospital

Securities of the University of Jos Teaching Hospital on Wednesday prevented an armed gang from attacking the hospital, the Punch reports. However a guard was killed by the gunmen as hundreds of patients ran for dear life.

..the gunmen who came in through the Laminga end of the hospital gate in a Vectra car, tried to force their way in without being checked by the security guards.

However the guards insisted on searching the booth of the car and a scuffle ensued. The guards succeeded in opening and boot and to their amazement discovered a cache of arms inside.

Though the mission of the gunmen was not clear, the guards immediately raised the alarm. The gunmen then shot one of them and immediately sped off.

The security man was immediately rushed to the emergency unit of the hospital where attempts to save his life failed.

God please save us from all these ''gunmen''


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