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Wednesday 22 October 2014

Fraudster Pretended to be in a Coma for 2 years just to avoid going to Jail

               Officers tried 'at least twice' to bring Alan Knight (pictured in the wheelchair) to court - but each time he admitted himself to hospital claiming his condition had worsened
Alan Knight was pushed into Swansea Crown Court in a wheelchair by his wife Helen

 Alan Knight scammed his next door neighbor of £40,000 and pretended to be in a coma for two years to avoid jail time, Daily Mail reports. However, he was recently arrested by police after he was found going on shopping sprees and holidays with his family. The 47-year-old also pretended to be a quadriplegic – paralysed from the neck down. His family even lied on his behalf, telling authorities that he had suffered a terrible neck injury, which had left him in a vegetative state.

But a court heard he was caught out after CCTV captured him walking around Tesco and driving his car to Dorset.
Knight was then hauled before Swansea Crown Court where he admitted scamming the pensioner who lived next door to him out of thousands of pounds.
The fraudster had been living off benefits after claiming he had suffered a massive neck injury.

             The 47-year-old, pictured with wife Helen, tried to beat justice claiming he was a quadriplegic, was even hooked up to oxygen and that he had no movement from the neck down
The 47-year-old, pictured with wife Helen, tried to beat justice claiming he was a quadriplegic, was even hooked up to oxygen and that he had no movement from the neck down

 The judge presiding over the case said:
“Although a very accomplished and determined actor, he is nothing like in the condition he claims to be, and the conditions he claims to be suffering from are simply non existent.
His illnesses coincide with impending court appearances. I do not believe the symptoms are genuine.
He has been monitored, despite attempts to maintain the fiction. He was seen wiping his face and writing things down, which are inconsistent with being paraplegic or in a coma.”
Knight used the money to pay for  family vacations and to buy a caravan.
culled from daily mail

Every day for the thief, one day for.......

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