That Diet Isn't Good For Your Health If.... - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE That Diet Isn't Good For Your Health If.... | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Wednesday 8 April 2015

That Diet Isn't Good For Your Health If....


There are no substitutes for balanced diet, one need to follow the principles of balanced diet throughout life. Note also that, no one food contains all the essential food nutrients, eating food from all the different food group help ensure that all nutrients are met. The advantages of a proven phytochemical can be felt only if a good lifestyle is followed.
That diet isn't good for your health if it is:
Too high in total fat, saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol.
Too high in sodium

Too high in processed foods and food that give empty calories.
Too high in snack foods, junk foods and refined floors.
Too low in antioxidants.
Too low in fibre and fluid.
Too low in linolenic acid.
Too low in protein, mineral and vitamins.

A good food guide pyramid involves, being active by fitting physical activity into every day, vary your food choices and customise your diet for a great taste with adequate nutrients.

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