Photo:Pharmacist Allegedly Commits Suicide In sad - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Photo:Pharmacist Allegedly Commits Suicide In sad | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Tuesday 14 April 2015

Photo:Pharmacist Allegedly Commits Suicide In sad

Pharmacist Paul Olafare pictured above, allegedly committed suicide yesterday April 12th at his home in Lagos. He was found dead by his wife. According to multiple sources, Paul, a father of two, had been under a lot of pressure following a huge unpaid loan he collected from some people to set up his own pharmacy. His dream of setting up his own pharmacy failed leading to huge financial indebtedness. This allegedly led to chronic depression.
Paul was awarded the Lagos State Pharmacist of the Year 2013 and was reported to have been an active member of his church where he mentored the youth group.

According to a friend close to the situation, Paul had allegedly hinted to his wife that he would take his life if things didn't change for him. He also recently attempted to jump into the lagoon but was stopped by his wife.

His wife said she sound him writhing in pain yesterday morning as she was prepared for church and found that he'd drank poison. He later died.

Though he'd been allegedly battling with depression for a while, his family didn't believe he'd committed suicide and lodged a murder charge against the man's wife who is now being questioned by the State Criminal Investigation Department, Panti.

He was a graduate of Medicine from the College of Medicine University of Lagos. 

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