Consider These Principles While Planning Your Diets - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Consider These Principles While Planning Your Diets | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Consider These Principles While Planning Your Diets

There are many ways to eat healthy, the best way is to plan meals in relation to other foods per day. It is better to eat small regular meals rather than one huge meal. In Nigeria and in Africa, we have rich nutritious foods, seasonal vegetables and fruits that can help us achieve maximum balance in our daily diets. An ideal diet should provide nutrients of bio-active chemicals that can help prevent and retard disease processes.
 Some of the principles of planning your diets are:
Good quality protein should be distributed in all meals, pressure cooker can be used to conserve the nutrients.

 Your diet should contain at least five basic food groups.

 Your meal pattern must fulfill family needs, consider your kids e.t.c

You must meet most nutritional requirements.

Provide variety of foods, avoid been monotonous while cooking, add colour, textures and change the taste of your soup or stew.

Consider individual likes and dislikes.(e.g veg or non-veg).
To be continued....

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