OMG!!See The Hot Reply Someone Posted On The Post I Did About FRSC Officers! - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE OMG!!See The Hot Reply Someone Posted On The Post I Did About FRSC Officers! | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Friday 10 April 2015

OMG!!See The Hot Reply Someone Posted On The Post I Did About FRSC Officers!


All these one na story!..... police is far better than FRSC PRwise. Can u imagine that an FRSC officer would stand in the middle of a highway flagging a vehicle to pullover, not even stop, pullover! as if na jazz!!. A police officer can never do that! Instead he would stop u, greet u n ask u to pullover if necessary. But an FRSC officer would never do that! CNB, there's this incident that happened some years back that made me swore never to stop at any FRSC checkpoint or even pullover! I'm a very cautious driver n take good care of any car I drive n make sure It's road worthy at any point in time. That fateful morning I discovered my brake light wasn't working, n I was in my village, I checked the bulbs n all were ok so I guessed it was an electrical fault, so I called my electrician n he asked me to

bring it over. I set out on d 1hr journey, n during this journey, I made sure I was driving safe signaling with my hand wen necessary because I know I didn't have a brake light. Less than 2km to my destination I met a FRSC checkpoint, I was asked to pullover, which I did. The officer started his routine check n discovered that my brake light wasn't working. I tried explaining to him that I was actually going to my electrician to fix it, But he turned deaf ears to me. I even called my electrician to come over n explain to him But this officer didn't even listen to him. I was booked at d end of the day n was fined 3k + all d stress. I felt so bad that day because there were also a lot of commercial buses without visible back lights not to talk of having a brake light, But these officers don't even stop them. So, CNB tell me y I should ever stop at any FRSC checkpoint? I hope their ogas at d top would read this n create a forum to train their staff. Their PR is very poor! But until then, I would never ever stop at any FRSC checkpoint!..
hmmmm...who else have experienced something like this??....I think they need to improve on their PR, but please, two wrongs can not make it right, you still need to stop if you are asked to stop, just for the sake of safety.

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