FG Resettle 3788 Flood Victims In Cross River State - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE FG Resettle 3788 Flood Victims In Cross River State | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE http://go.ad2upapp.com/afu.php?id=1182571





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Tuesday 7 April 2015

FG Resettle 3788 Flood Victims In Cross River State


Over 3,788 persons in Agwagune community, Biase Local Government Area of Cross River State has been affected by flood and landslide for many years. But not anymore, as the Federal Government, through the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) donated building materials to Cross River State Government to support the reconstruction of residential and public buildings in the community.

The Director General of NEMA, Muhammad Sani Sidi, who was represented by the Director, Relief and Rehabilitation, Mr. Eugene Eze, said the rehabilitation and resettlement of Agwagune community would ensure that buildings were safe and livable and that it will stop the destruction caused by floods and landslides.
 Responding, the Executive Director, Cross River State Emergency Management Agency, Mr. Vincent Aquah, said Agwagune used to be a large community, but had lost a large portion of its habitable land to annual flooding and landslide. He commended the director general of NEMA.

Receiving the items on behalf of Cross River State Government, the Secretary to the State Government, Dr. Tom Ogar, told the community that government was worried about their plight.
He appreciated the kind gesture of the Federal Government through NEMA, assuring that the items would be judiciously utilised to the benefit of the entire community.

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