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Tuesday 31 March 2015

Shop Discounted Items For Your Family This Easter

     Shop Discounted Items for the Family this Easter

With the kids on holiday, parents at home, family and friends visiting, Easter is certainly another opportunity to spend quality time with family and loved ones. This can only mean one thing- lots of fun! But first, you have to ensure that everything you need to have an amazing holiday is available. This is why you should take advantage of the Easter sales to get everything for the family at huge discounts.

The Konga Easter sales features everything the family could possibly need to make the celebration grand. Check out affordable male and female fashion from premium brands. If you are shopping on a budget, check out exclusive fashion items for under N5000. The Easter sales also features food and drinks, books from bestselling authors, superb video games, furniture, home and kitchen appliances and much more.

Remember that when you shop on Konga, you buy excellent quality and peace of mind. Give your family a holiday to remember. Shop smart from the Konga Easter shop today!.
Click here to buy HERE

Photo:Beautiful Faces Of Nigeria's New First Lady- Mrs Aishatu Buhari

See the beautiful face of the new Nigeria's first lady- Mrs Aishatu Buhari

Wow! Wikepedia Updates Buhari's Info as Nigeria's President


Monday 30 March 2015

CNB News:Women Protest In Port Harcourt Over Alleged Election Irregularities

 Rivers state women numbering about two thousand, took to the streets of Port Harcourt this morning to protest against the conduct of the March 28th elections. The women who dressed in black, walked through Aba road, G.RA area, Waterlines towards the INEC office opposite the NDDC.
Police men shot mild teargas into the air at Waterlines area of the road.
The women are alleging that, there were some irregularities during the Saturday election.(God help my state)
See photo:

News:Fleeing From Boko Haram Attack, Women Give birth To Babies In The Bush


Two pregnant women gave birth to babies in the bush Sunday morning while fleeing from suspected Boko Haram insurgents that attacked Gunti Gumi village of Alkaleri Local Government area in Bauchi state.

Anxiety? Beat it!


We all suffer anxiety at some stage in our lives. Some stress and anxiety is actually good and improves our performance, but when the stress levels reach the anxiety or panic attack level, we can feel overwhelmed and worried that we might not be able to manage. There are things that we can do to help resolve a tense situation and create a calmer attitude. Here are some tools that can help us learn how to beat anxiety:
Take Some Deep Breaths
When stressed out, we’re more likely to take shallow breaths. This is because our chests tighten up with shoulder and muscular tension, which alters our breathing. We might feel fatigued, unable to concentrate, and tense. Instead of letting stress take over, we can try to breathe deeply to calm ourselves.

Health Dialogue Platform Launched In Nigeria

A Tech Health dialogue platform for Ebola, maternal and child health has been launched in Nigeria. The platform was launched by the Ebola Alert, an organization that uses social media and digital technology to combat Ebola. The group started a web-based Ebola and Maternal & Child Health initiative conversation known as #EbolaMNCHat

Saturday 28 March 2015

See The Police Rapid Response Numbers For All States

These are the police control numbers of each state in Nigeria, kindly call for rapid response in any election crises around your neighborhood:
 Please forward or share these numbers to your loved ones NOW.
 Abia - 08035415405.
Adamawa- 08089671313.
 Akwa-Ibom - 08039213071.
 Anambara -07039194332.

News:Cash Withdrawal Rush,Travel Rush Ahead Of Elections


Nigerians across the country rushed to commercial banks on Friday to make last minute cash withdrawals ahead of today’s presidential and parliamentary elections.
In Rivers state, residents rushed to ATMs to collect money, as a result of this cash rush, many ATMs around Port Harcourt city ran out of cash, leaving many customers very angry and frustrated already.

Some customers who attempted to transfer money to their loved ones were left disappointed as their transactions failed even as their accounts were debited. Some affected customers were lucky to have their money returned to their accounts before leaving the ATM points while others were assured by security officers in some of the places that their accounts would be credited in not more than 24 hours.

Saturday PUNCH observed that the Jos-Makurdi-Otukpo-Enugu highway was very busy as commuters and motorists who reportedly left states like Kano, Kaduna, Bauchi, Plateau and Katsina over fear of post-election violence in the North headed down south.
The rush was a precautionary measure by residents who feared that there might be post- election violence which could affect economic activities in the country.
Heavy human and vehicular traffic was also noticed on most of the roads in the city, especially routes leading to major markets.
Heightened buying of food items and other basic needs was witnessed as residents made final rush to stock their homes.
pix credit:punch

Friday 27 March 2015

3 Days Lockdown To Curb Spread Of Ebola In Sierra Leone


The authorities in Sierra Leone are enforcing a three-day lockdown to curb the spread of Ebola, with the entire population ordered to stay at home.
There is a two-hour exemption on Friday to allow Muslim prayers and a five-hour window for Christians on Sunday.
Volunteers are going door-to-door, looking for people with signs of the disease and reminding others how to stay safe.

Addiction Myths: You may be an addict if you do any of these?(A must read)


People can be addicted to different things, it could be drugs, alcohol and other weird stuffs like inhaling poo!..oh yes, I mean poo.
Also, your doctor can prescribe a particular medicine, the thinking goes, how can it possibly be harmful? if it wasn't harmful, the physician wouldn't prescribe it. Many very helpful medications commonly prescribed by doctors are safe if you take them exactly the the way it should be taken. If taken in higher dosages or for a longer time, however, these same medications can quickly turn addictive and even lethal because they affect the same brain area as crack drugs.
Another bad source of addiction is alcohol, some people can down heavy crates of booze or a bottle of wine like it's no big deal, and they will insist that they're not alcoholics. "After all, I'm not stumbling and falling around or dragging my words or blacking out," they usually say. "I have a high tolerance, a strong system."(what ever that means...Lol)
 In reality, their words show just the opposite. They do have serious wahala, in fact, a really big one.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Fruity/Veg Talk:Lettuce


Lettuce, This beautiful, nutritious rich leafy green vegetable belongs to the daisy family of Asteraceae. Scientific name: Lactuca sativa. It is a small size annual plant that flourishes well under sandy or humus soil.
 Lettuce is sometimes called “the perfect weight loss food” and “rabbit food,” ..and yes, rabbits love lettuce. It has amazing healing benefits and calories and comprises of about 20 percent protein.
Like cabbage, lettuce can be used for salads, sandwich, burgers etc or you can eat it alone.

NHIS Launches Mobile Health Insurance Scheme

The National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) have officially launched the National Mobile Health Insurance Programme (NMHIP) for Nigerians. Subscribers of the mobile scheme can now subscribe to a health insurance package directly from their telephone.
Subscribers who cannot subscribe to health insurance offers available on the market, due to the high cost, will have to be paying gradually the contribution for their future medical care by buying communication credits which will be converted into money.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

We Don't Have Any Designated Port For Health Activities In NIgeria-Director Of Port Health


It is shocking to learn that, we do not have a World Health Organisation (WHO) certified port for health activities in Nigeria. Effective monitoring in our ports or borders is necessary especially in this era of deadly disease outbreaks like Ebola.

Tale Of An Insect Bite:First Aid Treatment


While I was in secondary school, me and my friends while fetching water at the hostel tap one day, knowingly used stick to hit a bee nest, what happened next was terrifying yet funny. The bees chased us until we ran into our rooms, but unfortunately, one of us was bitten in the lips and face!
Bukky was rushed to the sick bay and we had to take turns to stay with her at the clinic for two days. Her face and mouth was so swollen that, everybody that visited her was laughing so hard at the site of her mouth...Lol..
Insects are of various types, and getting too close to stinging insect nests or annoying them in any way can unleash their fury, which often results in a sting (Sometimes I wonder why these stingers entered Noah's Ark!, personally, I think these insects need to take a course in anger management). The most common symptoms of insect bite are burning pain around the bite, redness and itching.

You think that drug is fake? Use the scratch-card pin to check


Fake medicines are a major problem in parts of Africa - but a mobile phone based scheme which allows patients - and doctors - to check drugs are real is expanding fast.
With the M-Pedigree scheme, the customer scratches the medication package to reveal a code which they send to a free number.
They then receive a text back that lets them know if the item is genuine or counterfeit.
M-Pedigree was formally launched in Ghana in 2007 and it has expanded to Nigeria and East Africa and India.
The hope is that by using technologies like M-Pedigree and other software, consumers can focus on getting better, rather than worrying if they have purchased a fake medication or product.

Lagos Doctors Strike:Federal Hospital Doctors To Join


Nigerian Medical Association (NMA), Lagos State, has ordered doctors in federal public hospitals to go on solidarity strike. The NMA held an emergency congress, where they agreed to commence an indefinite strike to support their counterparts in the state and protest the discriminatory application of the state's 'no work, no pay' policy to members of the Medical Guild in the period between April/May 2012 and September 2014."

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Eeeew:Horrible Photo Of Expired Nigerian Sausages With Altered Dates


The person that shared this horrible photos online said he purchased some Nigerian packaged sausage rolls with expiry date: BB: 28/03/2015, but saw this, it is still four days to it's expiration, yet these?? NAFDAC please where are you o

EBSU Students Hospitalised After Eating Abacha Meal

African salad, popularly called Abacha is one delicious delicacy, notable amongst the south-east people of Nigeria. It requires Hygienic preparations at all times considering the fact that almost all the ingredients used are vegetable kind of foods. Over the weekend, about 10 students of Ebonyi State University, EBSU, Abakaliki, were hospitalized at the Federal Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki, FETHA, after eating ABACHA ...causes points to Cholera...reasons? yes poor hygiene!

News:66,500 Books Donated To Schools In Rivers


As part of the activities of the current UNESCO World Book Capital City project, The Rainbow Book Club donated about 66,500 books to different libraries of 100 schools in Port Harcourt and its environs.

South-East Health Workers Deny Protest Against New NLC President


We brought you a report about the Nigerian Labour Congress saga with the Medical and Health Workers of the South-East can read it here
Well, the South-East zone of Medical and Health Workers Union of Nigeria, MHWUN, has again disassociated itself from a purported rally in protest against the newly-elected President of Nigerian Labour Congress, NLC, Mr. Ayuba Wabba.

Nigeria Partners With US Against Bird Flu,Trains Over 160 Participants


Avian flu or Bird Flu is a viral disease that, largely, infects birds, but, rarely, infects human beings if handled properly. The recent outbreak of the avian flu in various part of Nigeria few months back was a real course for concern, this is why The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), has partnered Nigeria in the health sector to combat the Avian Influenza in Nigeria.

New Cases Of Ebola:86 People Quarantined In Liberia


86 quarantined in new Ebola patient’s house; over 100 contacts; 2,000 students at risk.(so sad)
Laurence Doe Innis, brother of Liberia’s latest confirmed Ebola patient, sits with hands on his cheeks, worried about what is going to happen to him in the next ten days or so. Doe says he is worried because he helped get his sister (who tested positive for Ebola) to the Redemption Hospital where it was noticed that she had symptoms of the deadly Ebola Virus. He said his sister, Ruth Tugbheh, 44, got sick on Sunday, March 15 and her condition became worse on Thursday of the same week.

Monday 23 March 2015

Photo:5 Celebrities With Severe Illnesses, Kim K and others


1. Catherine Zeta Jones has Bipolar Disorder: Bipolar disorder is manic depressive mental disorder characterised by mood swings, energy shifts which affects the ability to function properly.

Photo:Emma Ugolee's Celebrity Kidney Disease Awareness Event

Broadcaster Emma Ugolee in partnership with Juliet Ibrahim foundation organised a celebrity kidney disease awareness event in Lagos. The event, which took place in Lagos on Saturday 21st March, had an impressive turn out of celebrities which includes Desmond Elliot, Monalisa Chinda, Bovi, Praise, Mode 9, Julius Agwu, AY and more, others present includes kidney patients, medical personnel, well wishers and media personalities. see photos:

Great News:Ebola Vaccine To Be Launched In Nigeria


Ebola vaccine will be launched soon in Nigeria, the antibody- based treatment against the Ebola virus disease, is currently undergoing phase II clinical trial, which is been handled by of the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Sunday 22 March 2015

Abia school of nursing losses accreditation over poor infastructure, students even stay 10 years without graduation


Ok, everyone need to read this interesting news about the Abia state school of nursing Aba
 It was written by Henry Umahi for Sun News.
Read on:

News:Imo Political Candidates FINALLY Signs Peace Accord

11 governorship candidates and 19 political party chairmen in Imo State has finally signed the peace accord on Thursday. It will be recalled that Candidates of the various political of­fices in Imo state had earlier shunned a peace accord meeting initiated by the state police com­mand, which was slated in view of the up-coming elections, so as to maintain peace during and after the general elections. . we reported the news here

Nigerian Lawyer Appointed Leader Of Global Panel Of Health Law Experts


Health law knowledge has in fact  increased amongst Nigerian patients and their families, the rush in medical tourism has allowed patients to compare standards of treatment given in Nigeria with those rendered in other countries. That is why we are happy that a Nigerian lawyer, has been appointed as the lead of the Global Panel of Health Law Experts by the American College of Legal Medicine.
Laolu Osanyin’s appointment into the prestigious group was at the 55th Annual Conference of the American College of Legal Medicine.

CNB Reflections: What Are You Thankful For?


Today, I am thankful, thankful for the food, the water, the air etc.
There is always something to be thankful for. yes ALWAYS.
If you are thankful, you will be happy, I don't just say thank you
to God only when I pray, I say thank you for everything, while I'm

Friday 20 March 2015

Japan loans FG N18.6 billion to buy vaccines from UNICEF


Japan is supporting Nigeria with a loan of N18.6 billion for the purchase of vaccines from UNICEF.
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) said that the loan would be paid in 20 years, with a grace period of 7-years.

Photo:Do You Know That Everybody Has Mites Living In Their Eyelids And Faces?


Do you know that each hair follicle of the eyelids can contain as many as 25 of demodex mites, and it's believed that almost every person, (nomatter how you groom your eye lashes) have these mites!(scary right??)
Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis have an unusual slug-like appearance.These mites are on your lashes to munch on the oils and cells of your skin...eeewww...

Great news! Thec.Volunteers, Google Developes 'Ebola-Proof' Tablet Device


This is great news for Ebola health workers and care givers, all thanks to the group of technology volunteers and Google for this break through. 
A tablet device that can withstand being doused in chlorine has been developed to help doctors caring for patients with Ebola.
Designed by technology volunteers and Google, it can be used even wearing gloves and in storms and high humidity.
Medecins Sans Frontieres put out a call for an Ebola-proof tablet to help teams record vital patient information.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Fruity and Veg: Nutmeg


So, lately we have been talking about the health benefits of spices, spices are rich in antioxidants(big Today, we will talk about NUTMEG... Nutmegs have pleasant aromatic flavor that can sometimes make you reminisce about your love life (OK, that's just my thinking o)
Botanically, the plant belongs to Myristicaceae family of trees. Its scientific name is: Myristica fragrans.(even the name is oh la la) Do you know that Just a little nutmeg grated into soup or sauce, or a few drops of nutmeg essential oil rubbed on the skin, can do a world of good for your health.
Use it for cakes, chin-chin, bread, wow! jallof rice..
 Here are some health benefits:

Bank Donates To Medical Students At LUTH

The College Provost University of Lagos College of Medicine , CMUL, has said that there is a huge deficit in the health sector, pointing out that Nigeria health indices is one of the lowest despite her rich oil wells.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

The compulsory 'sit at home' environmental sanitation day exercise, Lagos rejects court order


Justice Mohammed Idris of the Federal High Court in Lagos nullified the unlawful restriction of movement for Lagosians during the monthly last Saturday environmental sanitation.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Total Solar Eclipse Will Occur this Month Of March


The moon will completely cover the disk of the sun, creating a solar eclipse that only a small part of the world can see.
This eclipse will occur on the 20th of March 2015. the last eclipse was on the 3rd of November 2013. The dark umbral shadow cone of the moon will trace a curved path primarily over the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans.

Erm..No Nigerian Laboratory Can Effectively Detect Ebola

So, the Registrar of the Medical Laboratory Council of Nigeria (MLCN), Professor Anthony Emeribe, had said again that no laboratory in Nigeria can effectively diagnose the Ebola virus because there is none that has the requisite infrastructure to culture and manipulate the deadly virus that has been responsible for the death of hundreds of people in countries across West Africa within the last one month.

Sure-P Partners With NACA To Curb Spread Of HIV/AIDS

The National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA)/ Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme (SURE-P) HIV/AIDS Programme held a stakeholders meeting in Umuahia. The meeting was attended by different civil societies, clergy, legal, religious among others to rub minds on the NACA/SURE-P HIV and AIDS Project Implementation.

Health Insurance Eliminates Out-of-pocket Medical Expenses That Plunges People Into Poverty- Dr. Korie


The National Health Insurance Scheme, NHIS has been ongoing in Nigeria, but a lot of Nigerians are yet to sign up with the scheme. Health insurance has helped a lot of people in Nigeria, so much that, it has reduced out-of-pocket medical expenses for enrolees of the scheme. Now, You can pay a little amount per-annum and get full medical care and treatment for yourself and your loved once in any hospital of your choice...yes it's that simple and easy!

No Science Technologist Should Practice AGAIN In Any Medical Laboratory In Nigeria- FG


The Office of the Head of Service has directed that no science technologist should practice again in any medical laboratory in the country.
In a circular, it urged all science technologists and laboratory scientists to restrict themselves within the purview of science laboratories regulated by the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology. 

Sunday 15 March 2015

Cholera In Bayelsa State,11 FGGC Students Hospitalised at FMC!


The Federal Government Girls College (FGGC), Imiringi, near Otuoke in Bayelsa State has been hit by an outbreak of cholera. 11 students are said to be on admission at the Federal Medical Centre, Yenagoa.
CNB gathered that the school was closed down on Friday as parents rushed to the school to pick up their children..(who won't).

Activated Reflections: The Angry Customer

One morning, an angry man stormed into the office of Mr.  Detmer. Julian F. Detmer was the founder of one of the world’s largest wool companies.
The man who stormed into his office was a customer who lived in another city. He owed Mr. Detmer a small sum of money, but he flatly denied it. Everyone at Mr. Detmer’s company knew the customer was wrong, so they insisted that he pay.  After getting a number of letters  reminding him to pay, the man was  so upset that he packed his suitcase, travelled to Chicago and stormed into the office to tell Mr. Detmer that not  only was he not going to pay the bill,  but that he was never going to buy  anything else from him again.

Happy Mother's Day To My Mothers..

Who sat and watched my infant head, when sleeping on my cradel bed and tears of affection shed....My Mother.
Thank you to all the mothers in my life..just a licckle mention below.*whistling*Lol:

Friday 13 March 2015

102 Primary Schools In Abia Will Be Returned To Missionaries

Governor Theodore Orji of Abia State said that he will handover a total of 102 primary schools in the state to its missionary owners.
The Governor, disclosed this on Tuesday when he met with The Interdenominational Committee on Return of Schools in Abia State at the Government House, Umuahia.
Orji said that, the schools will be handed over as soon as the committee handling the exercise is through with the necessary formalities.

Free Health Programme For Ondo Residents


About 10, 000 have benefited from a medical programme organised by the Ondo state government in conjunction with some federal and local agencies. While addressing the beneficiaries, the Secretary to the State Government and Chairman, Ondo State Agency for the Control of AIDS (ODSACA), Dr. Aderotimi Adelola, said the government was bridging the gap identified in the HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support responses in Nigeria, in line with the President’s Comprehensive Response Plan (PCRP), to ensure about 5 million Nigerians know their status. The event was organised like a mobile hospital, where free medical consultation, free medical tests and drugs were dispensed.

CNB Health Gist: Functional Foods


We missed our fruity and veg talk yesterday....busy as usual with plenty plenty work wahala! well I feel like we should talk more about diets and stuff, so here is what I know and I feel like shearing it to you my CNB friends. Just a short straight-to-the-point information that you will really love to read and share.
You can send in your comments and contributions too:
What we eat has a powerful effect on our general health and well being. we need balance diets, functional food etc, so as to grow and build immunity against diseases.
Functional foods must be beneficial to the body and must meet the target functions of the body, while Balanced diets should provide around 60-70% of total calories from carbohydrate, 10-12% from protein and 20-25% from fat.

WHO Issues 1st Ever Treatment Guidelines For Hepatitis B


The World Health Organisation (WHO) has issued its first-ever guidance for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B, a viral infection which is spread through blood and body fluids, attacking the liver and resulting in an estimated 650 000 deaths each year, People with chronic hepatitis B infection are at increased risk of dying from cirrhosis and liver cancer.

FG Need To Sponsor Further Research On Ebola - Prof. Iwu


The Chairman, Bio-Resources Development Group, Our own professor Maurice Iwu, has called on the Federal Government of Nigeria to sponsor further research on the Ebola Virus Disease to prevent another outbreak.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Nigeria has the 2nd highest HIV/AIDS population in Africa- UNAIDS

The UNAIDS coordinator for Nigeria, Mr Bilali Camara, said that Nigeria has the second highest number of people infected with HIV in Africa, after South Africa.
See excerpt of his detailed interview with The Daily Independent:
  "Generally speaking, I will say that we went from one case in 1986 to close three million cases in 2014. It means really that there has been serious increase in the situation in terms of number of People Living with HIV. The reality is simple. Nigeria is second to South Africa. That is the country that is most affected by HIV in Africa,"

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Abia Health Workers Dissociate Selves From The NLC Delegate List Protest

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The Medical and Health Workers Union of Nigeria (MHWUN), Abia state chapter has dissociated itself from the protest by some unions against the delegates list for the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) national congress coming up in Abuja. It also disowned one Comrade Ezekiel Christopher, who spoke on behalf of the union during the protest.

Finland Wants To Collaborate With FG In Health care Sector Development

The Finland Ambassador to Nigeria, Mrs Pirjo Soumela-Chowdhury, said that the Finnish government is planing to support the Federal Government of Nigeria in combating Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and also in the general health sector.

Monday 9 March 2015

Wow! Dog Sniffs Out Thyroid Cancer In 30 Out Of 34 Cases

               frankie the dog
A dog has been used to sniff out thyroid cancer in people who had not yet been diagnosed, US researchers say.
Tests on 34 patients showed an 88% success rate in finding tumours.

Sunday 8 March 2015

Sunday Reflection: God's Love

Do not compare your love story to those you watch in movies.
They are written by scriptwriters, Yours is written by God.

Friday 6 March 2015

Salvation Army Is Using ''THAT DRESS'' To Raise Awareness Of Domestic Violence Against Women


What colour is that dress?It was the question that divided the world last week. Now, the Salvation Army has used the publicity around the garment in its powerful new domestic violence campaign.The Salvation Army has used #Dressgate to launch a powerful awareness campaign around domestic violence against women.

Weird Fact Friday: Do You Know That.....

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The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building.

The Boston University Bridge (on Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts) is the only place in the world where a boat can sail under a train driving under a car driving under an airplane.

JAMB: Candidates protest in Port Harcourt

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Candidates seeking to write the 2015/16 Computer-Based Test (CBT) of University Matriculation Examinations (UME) have staged a protest in Port Harcourt.
The protest, which started from the D/Line office of the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) was over delay and non-collection of the e-slip examination date and centre.
The printout of the e-slip examination dates and centres, which was fixed for February 21, was postponed to March 2.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Updates:Liberia releases last Ebola Patient after 1 week of no new case, Final testing of vaccine to begin


The World Health Organization (WHO) in a statement say that Liberia has released its last Ebola patient after going a week without any new cases of the virus. Beatrice Yardolo, 58, left a Chinese-run treatment centre in the capital Monrovia after two weeks of treatment.
Ms Yardolo, an English teacher, said she was "one of the happiest persons on earth" as she headed home from the treatment centre in Monrovia's Paynesville district.
She was the last patient undergoing treatment for the disease in Liberia.

Expect Acid Rain In 2015- Environmentalist

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The Chairman, Nigerian Environmental Society, Lagos Island Chapter (NESLIC), Mr John Ekoko, on Thursday said that early rain experienced in Lagos and coastal areas could lead to acid rain later.

Shocking! Woman Hides Husband's Dead Body Indoors For 3 Years in Lagos

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A 60 year old woman identified as Mrs. Joy Olatunji Shittu, in collaboration with her two daughters, Aishat and Toyin have been arrested by the police at Ojokoro Division. for hiding the dead body of their father and husband for three years!
The sad incident happened at their family house at 14b, Olaitan Mustapha, off Clem road, Ifako-Ijaiye, Ojokoro area of Lagos.
It was learnt that the deceased, Jimoh Olatunji Shittu, died in 2012 under strange circumstances.

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