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Saturday 31 January 2015

Tuberculosis declining in Nigeria - Medical Adviser

The Medical Adviser to the German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association, Enugu, Dr Daniel Oshi, has said that there is a decline in leprosy cases in the country.

Oshi said in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Enugu on Tuesday that due to the increase in geographical coverage of multi-drug therapy and patients' access to treatment, the disease had reduced.

"The national elimination target was achieved by the end of 1998 and at the end of 2007 all the states in Nigeria except Taraba attained the leprosy elimination target.
"Intensive leprosy elimination campaigns were held in many communities in Nigeria, including all leprosy centres.

"The global target for leprosy was reached in 2000 with the world prevalence rate of less than 600,000 cases," he said.

Oshi explained that the leprosy control program in Enugu was combined with tuberculosis control and was integrated into general health care services.
He said that in spite of the achievement by the association, there were still some challenges faced in eliminating the disease entirely from the country.
He said that there was inadequate skill in detecting and managing patients with the disease among health workers.

The medical adviser listed others challenges to include poor recording, especially skin charting on leprosy cards, poor referral linkages of patients and non involvement of secondary and tertiary health facilities.
"We also identified the lack of comprehensive leprosy rehabilitation activities and the impact of TB and HIV programmes on leprosy as some of the hindrances we encountered.

USAID Commends Nigeria for improving the quality of drugs  produced locally

The United State Agency for International Development (USAID) has commended Nigeria for improving the quality of drugs produced locally, a statement has said.
The statement issued in Abuja on Friday by Mrs Josephine Kamara, USAID’s Senior Development Outreach and Communications Specialist, said Nigeria had done well in regulating the sector.

It said USAID’s Director, Michael Harvey, gave the commendation when he presented the International Organisation for Standardisation quality certificate to the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) Central Drug Control Laboratory in Yaba, Lagos.

``The report estimates that fake tuberculosis and malaria drugs alone kill 700,000 people a year, including in Nigeria, and tackling the scourge of illegal medicines in Nigeria is a daunting task.

``The good news is that Nigeria is taking concrete steps to turn back the tide.

``Nigeria is not just improving the quality of medicines it produces, but is also testing to make sure imported medicines are in fact what they say they are.

``Nigeria is doing this in accordance with internationally accepted certifications so that this supervision is credible to Nigerians as well as the outside world,’’ the statement quoted Harvey as saying.

The statement said the certification of NAFDAC’s laboratory was supported by USAID, adding that it is the latest example of USAID’s ongoing effort to contribute to the quality of medicines in Nigeria and the West Africa sub-region.

 Bird Flu Now in 12 States
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A case of bird flu has been reported in Kaduna state, making the list of affected Nigerian states 12, the state government on Friday says.

The State’s Commissioner for Health, Dr Joseph Thot, said a poultry farm in Mando area of Kaduna, the state capital, has been hit by the virus.

Speaking at a news briefing in Kaduna, he said the government had taken measures to prevent the disease from spreading.

He urged the general public not to entertain any fear, saying that all technical staff of the ministry had been put on alert.

The commissioner directed poultry farmers to report ``sudden and unprecedented death of birds'' on their farms for appropriate action.

He added that all the birds at the affected farm had been culled.

Other states hit by the virus are Kano, Lagos, Ogun, Rivers, Delta, Edo, Plateau, Gombe, Imo, Oyo and Jigawa states.

Thursday 29 January 2015

Fruity Thursday
Pumpkin Leaves (Ugu/ Alefo/ mfang-ubere)

             Image result for pictures of ugu leaves        Image result for pictures of ugu leaves
Pumpkin plant is a fast-growing vine that creeps along the ground surface in a similar fashion like that of other Cucurbitaceae family vegetables and fruits such as cucumber.

It is one of the most popular field crops cultivated around the world,
Pumpkins vary greatly in shape, size and colors. They generally weigh 4–6 kg with the largest capable of reaching a weight of over 25 kg.
Pumpkins, in general, feature some varieties of colours like dark to pale green, brown, white, red and gray and even yellow.

        Image result for pictures of ugu leaf in the market   Image result for pictures of ugu leaf in the market
Telfaria Occidentalis is the specie that is popular in Nigeria known as Ugwu, fluted pumpkin, alefo, Ugboguru, mfang-ubere, is an African tropical vine planted in more in the eastern part of the country.

         Image result for pictures of ugu seed   Image result for pictures of ugu seed  Image result for pictures of ugu seed
In some parts of Nigeria, the big yellow pumkin (ugboguru) is cooked with yam as porridge, the leaves is best prepared with okro and even the seed is either fried and eaten as a snack or it is prepared by fermentation for use as seasoning ( ogiri)
          Image result for pictures of pumpkin leaves           Image result for pictures of ugboguru leaf
Pumpkin juice has several health benefits due to which it can be used as a healthy substitute for carbonated drinks. Moreover, pumpkin has a high content of vitamin D as well as minerals like copper, iron and phosphorus. Juicing is a suitable way to obtain these nutritional benefits of pumpkin. This juice is highly regarded by vegetarians because of its delicious taste and versatility of use. Besides consumption, it is also used as an active ingredient in many sweets and pharmaceutical preparations.

Here are some benefits:

Anti oxidants
Pumpkin is a storehouse of many anti-oxidant vitamins such as vitamin-A, vitamin-C and vitamin-E.
 Zea-xanthin is a natural anti-oxidant which has UV (ultra-violet) ray, Thus, it helps protect from "age-related macular disease" (ARMD) in the elderly.

Digestion and cures constipation
Pumpkin juice is beneficial for the digestive system and is helpful in curing both constipation and loose motions due to its laxative action.

Lowers Blood Pressure
It minimizes the risk of high blood pressure. It contains pectin which helps in reducing cholesterol.

Relieves morning sickness during Pregnancy
Pumpkin juice is effective in providing relief from morning sickness in pregnant women.

Immune Boaster
Vitamin C and other minerals present in the juice act as immunity boosters and thus protect the body from various diseases.

Skin care and Facials
Its high nutritional value makes it an active ingredient in many anti-wrinkle and hydrating creams. It is widely used in facials in combination with other ingredients like honey, yoghurt, lemon juice and vitamin E oil for different skin types.

Help in the treatment of Aneamia
 The fruit is a good source of B-complex group of vitamins like folates, niacin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), thiamin and pantothenic acid.


We have to pray because the atmosphere is too tense - Cardinal Okogie
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The Archbishop Emeritus of Lagos, Anthony Cardinal Okogie on Wednesday urged Nigerians to pray for the success of the forthcoming elections.
Okogie gave the advice while speaking with newsmen in Lagos.

He said, ``We need a selfless leader, who will see everybody as his own.
``He must be patriotic, he must see Nigeria as his own and he has to have the spirit of self-sacrifice and love.

``We have to pray because the atmosphere is too tense. I think only God can help us. You cannot rule God out of the affairs of our nation, and that is one of the things that is killing us.``
Okogie urged politicians to abide by the Abuja Peace Accord and ensure free, fair and peaceful elections.

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