Food With Anti-bacterial,Digestive And Immunopotent Functions - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Food With Anti-bacterial,Digestive And Immunopotent Functions | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Monday 1 June 2015

Food With Anti-bacterial,Digestive And Immunopotent Functions


We have talked a lot about functional food on this blog already. This is the continuation and last part of this topic. Read on:
Anti-bacterial Agents as functional foods
Antibacterial factors are contained in essential oils and spices, the most common are cinnamon and cloves which contains aldehyde and engenol respectively. Garlic also has antibacterial properties against gram positive and gram negative bacteria.

 Digestive Agents as functional foods
Spices help to stimulate the digestive enzymes and they also help in salivation. Do you know that chillies (pepper) contain a substance called capsaicin which increases gastric secretion and help stimulate the digestive system for easy metabolism..Well, now you know (for those that ask me to tell them the importance of pepper).

Immuno-potentiating Agents as functional foods
Probiotics can help enhance immune response, through activating macrophages and increasing levels of immunoglobulins. They work well when consumed together, like lactobacillus and bifidobacteria. Some of these foods are yeast, yogurt, garlic and beet root juice (Zobo drink). They help with the immune building functions of the body.

Some of the food we eat contain more than one healthy property, consider these little food secrets, so as to help you plan your diet effectively, we eat to live not live to eat. In as much as we do not want to you to be so very meticulously conscious of every food you eat, we are trying to advocate for healthy eating habits that help promote good health, devoid of man-influenced diseases.
 Eat wisely!

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