CNB Reflections:Think About The Good Things - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE CNB Reflections:Think About The Good Things | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Sunday 14 June 2015

CNB Reflections:Think About The Good Things


If you have financial headaches, or health worries, or find yourself in an emotionally trying situation, don’t despair. If you have problems in your marriage, or in your relationships with your parents or children or friends or boss or co-workers, don’t despair! If you feel doomed to struggle for the rest of your life because of your social status, or lack of education or job skills, or whatever, don’t despair! If you are physically impaired, don’t despair! If you’re not happy with yourself because you feel you’ll never be as smart or as beautiful or as handsome or as charming as you wish you were, don’t despair! If loved ones or friends just don’t understand or don’t agree with you, don’t despair!

While your circumstances may not change—at least not immediately—God can help you rise above circumstances. If the obstacles won’t move out of your way, He can help you go over or under or around them. He may not take away all your troubles, but He can bring you through them. God is in control Not only can you trust that all things that come your way will work out for your good, but you can be assured that things don’t “just happen” to the believer. Each event that comes your way is a part of God’s personal and unique plan for your life. And He knows exactly what you need to experience and learn in order to fulfill that plan.
Think on the good things…
When our hearts are weighed down with worry, fear, sorrow, or pain, it would be better to count our blessings instead of dwelling on our losses and troubles. We can think about the love of our family and friends. If we can’t think of anything else to be thankful for, we can at least be grateful for all the problems, troubles, and ailments we could have but don’t because God has spared us from them.

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