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Monday 21 December 2015

NEMA Set Up Volunteer Groups To Manage Early Warnings Of Disaster


The Director General of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has expressed concern over the attitude of people to disaster early warnings, adding that volunteer groups have been established to address this.

Sani-Sidi explained that the groups comprised National Youth Service Corps members, volunteers and executive volunteers.

Reflections: Christmas Gift In Disguise

Christmas had just begun to reveal itself in the green origami holly and red paper Santas that shop owners were taping onto their store windows. I grinned back at those chubby, chortling paper grandpas as my siblings and I climbed into the car for a long-awaited Christmas shopping trip. As Dad pulled out of the driveway, my mind was awhirl with thoughts of what I planned to buy: the romantic perfume for Mom, the snazzy watch for my older brother, the adorable doll for my little sister … and on my list went. I was bursting with excitement and could hardly wait until we’d reach the shopping mall. But we never did.
Halfway there, we were involved in an accident. Although we were unhurt, the young woman whose motorbike had smashed into the rear of our car had sustained minor injuries and was hurried to a nearby hospital. Thoughts of Christmas faded in the blur of phone calls, visits to the hospital and police station, and paperwork that stretched from days into weeks as my parents negotiated with the young woman and the insurance company. Complications arose, and the legal work surrounding the accident dragged on longer than anyone had expected. I groaned with agitation as I tore the page off the calendar each day and wondered when we would finally be able to put the incident behind us. 

N900bn Budgeted For Health Sector In 2016


About N900 billion which is a 15% of‎ the proposed 2016 annual budget is expected in the health sector to primarily cater for the basic healthcare needs of Nigerians.

With this on ground, based on the Primary Healthcare Act, child- maternal mortality is expected to be a thing of the past, judging from the fact that the maternal- mortality ratio has dropped by just 41% between 1990 and 2010, thereby making Nigeria one of the dangerous places in the world for women to give birth, with a record of 560 deaths per 100,000 live births after India which tops the chart.

Thursday 17 December 2015

FG should redirect attention to community health insurance - NMA


The Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) said the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) which was flagged off since June 2005 has covered less than 7 per cent of the Nigerian population.
Dr Kayode Obembe, NMA president, said this recently in Abuja to mark this year's International Day of Universal Health Coverage commemorated every December 12.

The NMA requested that government at all levels should redirect attention to community health insurance as a panacea for the 70 per cent out-of-pocket expenditure incurred by Nigerians.

TUC Opposes Privatisation Of Health Institutions


The National Executive Council of the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) has opposed moves by the federal government to privatise the services of tertiary health institutions in the country.

The TUC stated this in Lagos, during its national executive council meeting, The union also said the introduction of such a policy will undoubtedly remove healthcare services from the reach of the common man in Nigeria.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

So, what did I miss?


Hello friends, I missed blogging and social media interactions, been so busy attending to my beautiful princess. The feeling is amazing and sweet, yet exhausting...Lol

The night cries, pooing, feeding, changing diapers and most of all, my lack of adequate sleep affected me but I am glad ''that phase'' is gradually fading off. I am now enjoy the cooing, blabbing and super laughter and smiles (oh.. how i waited for her to start smiling).

This harmattan  season is something else, we need to cover our kids properly and give them plenty of fluid and fruits to curb dehydration. The blue seal Vaseline and shear butter creams should be handy this period, rub it on their body properly to sooth their skin and prevent dryness and cracking of lips.

Do you know if that drinking water will expire?


 I know that you probably have not cared to check that bottled water..Lol

Does it mean that it is not safe for drinking? Let’s see:

Water doesn’t contain sugars or proteins, so microbes don’t consume and rot it, Discovery’s DNews explains in a new video.

But the chemistry of the water can change. When water is exposed to air, it absorbs CO2. A small portion of that (a little more than 0.1 percent) is converted into carbonic acid.

We have no budget for Tuberculosis in 2015


The Minister for health, Professor Isaac Adewole, has raised the alarm over lack of adequate funding for the health sector, lamenting that the menace of Tuberculosis was not provided for in the 2015 Budget of the ministry.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

150,000 Nigerians Benefit From Free Health Care Services


About 150,000 Nigerians had enjoyed the free health services organised recently by the Rotarians for Family Health and AIDS prevention (RFHA) of Rotary International.
The free health services included HIV testing, family counseling, diabetes and hypertension screening and education, breast and cervical cancers screening, polio immunisation, malaria testing and provision of long lasting insecticides nets, condom distribution, eye and dental checks, among others.

Reflections:You Must Be A Winner!


By Marie Boisjoly, adapted
The other day a bumper sticker caught my attention. Resigned Alcoholic. It was meant as a joke, I’m sure, and it got a smile out of me, but as I thought about it more I realized how easy it is to resign ourselves to weaknesses or circumstances that hold us back from becoming all we could be. We may not think of ourselves as defeatists, but if we accept that rationale, we’re defeated. 

Friday 2 October 2015

Reflections:But Don't You Quit!


When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
                When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
                When the funds are low & the debts are high,
                And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
                When care is pressing you down a bit,
                Rest, if you must--but don't you quit.

Monday 21 September 2015

Reflections:Relax,God can do the impossible


An oyster on the ocean floor opened wide its shell. As its valves flushed seawater through, the oyster picked out minute particles of food.
Suddenly a large fish nearby stirred up a cloud of sand and silt with a flip of its tail.
Sand. Oh, how the oyster disliked sand! It was so rough that it made life very unpleasant for the oyster whenever any got inside its shell.
Quickly the oyster slammed its shell shut, but it was too late. One hard gritty grain of sand had gotten in and became lodged between the oyster’s flesh and shell.

Wow! My Princess Is Here...

Thank you Lord for the birth of my princess... The feeling is so amazing and great.

Saturday 5 September 2015

Reflections:Be Open For What God Has For You,Allow People To Lend You A Helping Hand


 I see a beggar sitting on the side of the street. He is saying, "Nobody loves me! Nobody cares. If only I had some food to eat. Why doesn't anybody give me food?"
            A little old lady walks by and says, "Here. Here's an apple for you."
            The beggar says, "I don't like apples, I want an orange!"
            She walks along her way, slightly hurt at the rejection of the beggar for not receiving her deed of kindness.
            "Nobody loves me," the beggar says. "Nobody cares. If only I had a job I could make money, and then I'd be happy."

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Nigeria Must Maintain The Momentum On Zero Case Of Polio- Ki-Moon


United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, has assured Nigeria of global commitment to assist the country mobilise resources to continue to tame poliomyelitis in view of achieving certification by 2017.
On a field visit yesterday to a family health centre at Abuja’s Area 2, Ki-Moon stated that Nigeria’s recent effort acquired status after exiting the list of polio-endemic countries would help in “mobilising the necessary resources and financial support” needed to push through.
“What’s most encouraging at the time is Nigeria has experienced the zero case of polio, exiting the list of endemic countries, but it must maintain the momentum,” Ki-Moon stressed.

Monday 24 August 2015

Reflections:The Power Of Attitude


By Leena Pekkalainen:

When my brother and I were children, we spent a few weeks each summer in the countryside. Our childless uncle owned a big house there and didn´t mind having children around, so of course our parents were happy to let us visit him for a few days at a time.
  Our uncle was a geologist and he loved to go on long walks to find stones for his collection at the university.  More often than not, we followed him. He had a housekeeper who could cook like an angel and always gave uncle big basket full of good food for those trips. We didn´t mind sharing those goodies, and we eagerly awaited those excursions.
   One day we left early and this time uncle had bought us backpacks. “You can help me carry the samples,” he explained.  “Sure. Why not?” 

Wednesday 19 August 2015

VVF:Well done Stephanie Okereke-Linus for the movie 'DRY'


About 158,000 Nigerian women are living with VVF disease with every 30,000 cases added yearly.
Nigeria account for 40% of Vesicovaginal fistula VVF worldwide and about 158,000 Nigerian women are living with the disease.

VVF is a hole in the bladder through the vagina that allows uncontrollable leakage of urine to the outside through the vag­ina.

You need to see someone suffering from VVF to really understand the gravity of this disease, the stigma, the smell, the pain and the isolation: VVF is caused mainly by difficult or prolonged obstructed la­bour; the impacted fetal head presses the vagina and bladder wall against the pubic bone.

FG need to audit all 55 federal health institutions - Pharmacists


The Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) has urged the anti-graft agencies to audit all the 55 federal health institutions across the country and sanction all culpable Chief Medical Directors (CMD) and Chief Executive Officers (CEO).

It equally stated that since the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) and all its appendages are not trade unions, they should not be bargaining for privileges for their members, much less undertake industrial actions.

NAFDAC Certifies Bread In Rivers State 'Bromate Free'


The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has certified breads in Rivers State free from potassium bromate following its on-the-spot test of bread from over 180 registered bakeries in the state.

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Women In Abusive Relationships:How You Can Help


Anybody can be abused, and it’s not about who or what the person is or not doing right.

If you think or suspect a friend, relative, co-worker or fellow student is being abused, you're not powerless. You need to realize that there are things you can do to help.

But first, you need to understand that it won't be easy and it's not going to be about you. You need to be strong, stable, caring and have true compassion.
A victim of abuse, for example, is often unaware that she is being abused. She may think she caused the problems in the relationship. 

Ebola Survivors Clinic Now Opened In Liberia


A health centre, named Ebola Survivors Clinic, has been opened in Monrovia, the capital of Liberia.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), which made the disclosure, many patients experience “post-Ebola” symptoms which include joint pain, dizziness, blurred vision, inability to concentrate and headaches?

Monday 17 August 2015

NMA Supports FG In Privatization Of Government Hospitals


Medical doctors and dentists have backed plans of the Federal Government (FG) to privatise public health institutions for better services.
Health workers under the umbrella of the Joint Health Sector Union (JOHESU) had last week raised alarm over plans by the Federal Government to sell public health institutions across the country, which they said was capable of causing crisis in the sector.

But doctors under the aegis of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA), in a statement, yesterday, signed by the Chairman of the Committee on Clinical Governance, Dr. Joseph Ana, accused JOHESU of raising false alarm and nefarious claim capable of generating public breach of peace and disaffection against the government and capable of causing distress among the population and discord against a popularly elected government.

Sokoto State To Begin State Health Insurance Scheme


Governor Aminu Waziri Tambuwal, has said that he will introduce a state version of the National Health Insurance Scheme in Sokoto state.

Reflections:Leave At Peace With Others-Tolerance

If you judge people you have no time to love them.—Mother Teresa
The human family is very diverse. Many conflicts in our world are caused when people are intolerant of the ways that others see the world. Learning tolerance is an important cornerstone to creating a better world.—Robert Alan

Friday 14 August 2015

COLLETTE NATURE BLOG (CNB): Reducing Lead In Paints:SON Partner With Stakehold...

COLLETTE NATURE BLOG (CNB): Reducing Lead In Paints:SON Partner With Stakehold...:                 The Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) in collaboration with stakeholders in the paint industry said it has pl...

Abandoned Health Centre In Edo,Community Cry Out For Help


I don't understand why a health center will be built and later abandoned because there were no medical personnel posted to the community by the local council. I just don't understand!

Read this report I found in The Nation News:

There was so much joy and hope among inhabitants of Avbiama community in Ikpoba-Okha Local Government Area of Edo State in 2013, when local authorities, with the support of an international agency, commenced the construction of a health centre in the rural community. The people saw the development as the answer to their prayer for an accessible and affordable health care.

Thursday 13 August 2015

Reducing Lead In Paints:SON Partner With Stakeholders To Ensure Compliance


The Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) in collaboration with stakeholders in the paint industry said it has planned effective measures to checkmate the use of lead in paints.
 Lead in paints, according to experts, remains life-threatening, especially to children and the young at heart.
At a joint stakeholders meeting in Lagos, Director General of SON, Dr. Joseph Odumodu sounded it loud and clear that the organisation was out to ensure that paint manufacturing in the country was conducted in line with global best practices, stressing that SON has the mandate to ensure quality and safety of end-users of products.

What Is That Bad Habit? See Ways To Overcome Them


Habits can be acquired by conscious repetition and desire to achieve proficiency in an activity.
Many habits are acquired, often without awareness, from influences in the environment. A child, for example, having heard others constantly use meaningless phrases, such as “ermm..as in,” may begin to use them himself to such an extent that the use becomes habitual. Some habits develop in response to a person's unconscious needs.
Thumb-sucking and nail-biting, for example, are usually attempts to relieve tensions of which the individual is not aware. Such habits ordinarily disappear when the tensions causing them are discovered and eliminated.

Delta Governor Wants Healthcare Act Implemented

The Governor of Delta State, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, has called for a full implementation of the universal healthcare system as encapsulated in the National Health Act 2014.

Okowa said that if the bill is passed into law, it would increase the demand for health services in the state, so he solicited the partnership of the college in attaining of this goal.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Health And Nutrition:UNICEF Spends N1.01bn In Jigawa

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Field Officer for Bauchi Zone, said it spent N1.013 billion on the provision of health and nutrition services in Jigawa within four years.

The Chief Field Officer, Mr Abdulai Kaikai, said this on Wednesday during a courtesy call on Gov. Muhammad Badaru in Dutse.

Kaikai said that the programme covered immunisation, maternal and child health as well as the treatment of more than 40,000 severely malnourished children in the state.

USAID Decries Shortage Of Skilled Health Personnel In Rural Communities


The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has noted that in many parts of Nigeria, a shortage of skilled doctors, nurses and midwives had severely constrained the delivery of timely, high-quality health care, especially in rural communities.

Wow! Open Heart Surgery Done At The National Hospital Abuja-Tweeted Live


The National Hospital Abuja had become the first in the country to live-tweet an operation, reports the BBC's Nasidi Adamu Yahya from the city.
It was an open heart surgery for ventricular septal defect repair on an eight-year-old patient.
The tweet was done to show Nigeria's expertise to the world, hospital spokesman Dr Tayo Haastrup told the BBC.
See more tweets:

Alert! Shortage Of Vaccine For Meningitis C In NIgeria


International health officials are scrambling to find meningitis C vaccines as an outbreak of the child-killing disease threatens to balloon.

The first large-scale outbreak of the C strain in decades has already killed 800 of 12,000 people infected this year in Nigeria and neighboring Niger.

Monday 10 August 2015

NEMA Urges Imo State Residents To Be Alert


The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), Imo State operations office, has warned Imo residents living in flood prone areas to be conscious of their environment and report any overflow of their river to appropriate authorities.

Ex-NHIS Boss Surrenders To EFCC Over $2.1m Seized Cash


Former Executive Secretary of Nigeria’s National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), Dr. Olufemi Thomas has voluntarily submitted himself to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), to clear the air on the $2.1million cash seized at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport (MMIA) in Ikeja- Lagos.

Reflections:What is Character?


Good character is the quality which makes one dependable whether being watched or not; which makes one truthful when it is to one’s advantage to be a little less than truthful; which makes one courageous when faced with great obstacles; which endows one with the firmness of wise self-discipline. –Arthur S. Adams 

Friday 7 August 2015

Photo:Breastfeeding And Work?-See These Promotional Clips To Know How You Can Help A Mother


Annually, we celebrate the World breastfeeding week from 1-7 of August.
The team for this year is Breastfeeding:Lets make it work.
 It focuses on helping millions of working mothers give their babies the best start in life, by supporting stronger work place policies that promote breastfeeding.
Here are more promotional clips from World Health Organisation (WHO):

Thursday 6 August 2015

Imo State Nursing School To Be Upgraded To Poly- Rochas


Governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo State has said that arrangements have been concluded to upgrade the Imo State College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Amaigbo in Nwangele local council, to a polytechnic.

 The governor, who was represented by his Senior Special Assistant on Special Duties, Emma Ibediro, disclosed over the weekend during the school’s 14th matriculation ceremony that the upgrade would be done before the year ends.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Research Group Rank Some Nigerian Hospitals As Best In Africa


The Ranking Web of World Hospitals based in Spain ranked some hospitals in Nigeria as best in Africa.
CSIC is the largest public research body in Spain.

NAN learnt that the Ranking Web of World Hospitals is an initiative of Cybermetrics Lab, a research group belonging to the ``Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC)’’.
Some of the hospitals ranked high include, Abuja Clinics and St Nicholas Hospital, others are:

Vaccine Therapy For Malaria?


The days of malaria, one of Africa's main health challenges - and equally that of swathes of South and Central America and other tropical environments across the world - appears to be gradually coming to an end with the recent approval, for use, of the malaria vaccine, Mosquirix, which had undergone development and generally successful trials, in the past 28 years.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Institute Of Virology Strenghtens 260 Laboratories In Nigeria


The Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria (IHVN) said on Sunday that it had strengthened the capacity of over 260 laboratories across the country since 2014 through the provision of apparatus and staff training.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the institute, Dr Patrick Dakum, who disclosed this at the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) Forum in Abuja, said that the affected laboratories cut across tertiary, secondary, and primary health facilities in Nigeria.

Dakum said that in 2004 when the institute was incorporated as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), it set out to be part and parcel of the Nigerian response to the HIV scourge.

Kaduna Launch Polio-Free Tree Planting Campaign With WHO


The World Health Organization (WHO) and The Kaduna State Government, last week, launched the polio-free legacy tree planting campaign; a symbolic strategy that is geared towards nurturing progress achieved in the polio eradication initiative of one year without any recorded case for the first time.

Delta State Govt Say There Is No Cholera Outbreak In The State


The permanent secretary, Ministry of Health, Dr. Sunday Otobo, said that although several cases of "stooling and vomiting were recorded in Aladja in Udu, the incidents were not of cholera.

Speaking with newsmen in Asaba on Friday, Otobo said that samples from patients taken to Lagos for laboratory analysis did not confirm outbreak of cholera in the area or any other parts of Delta State.

WHO Awards Scholarships To 26 Nigerian Nusing Students


In a bid to train frontline health workers in Nigeria, The World Health Organisation (WHO) has awarded N3375, 000 scholarships grant to 26 Nigerian students.

Sixteen of the awardees are from Bauchi states while the remaining 10 are from Cross River states.

Only 17% Of Children Are Exclusively Breastfed In Nigeria,Poorest In Africa


Mr Linus Awute, says Nigeria has the poorest exclusive breastfeeding rate in Africa with only 17 per cent of the children being exclusively breastfed.

Awute, who is the Permanent Secretary of The Federal Ministry Of Health, made this known at the ministerial launch of the 2015 World Breastfeeding Week in Abuja on Monday.

Monday 3 August 2015

Reflections:Do This To Stay Younger


Sorry friends for my long absence, I have been under the weather but thank God for the gift of life. Sometimes we worry so much about money and stuff,  the gift of life is the highest blessing of all, so, count your blessings.

Food for taught:
Are you getting along in years and haven't yet made a name for yourself? Here are some words of comfort from some research people who looked into the histories of about 400 famous men, each one the most outstanding statesman, painter, warrior, poet or writer of his time. Of the group's greatest achievements, 35 per cent came when the men were between 60 and 70; 23 per cent when they were between 70 and 80; and 8 per cent when they were more than 80. In other words, 66 per cent of the world's greatest work has been done by men past 60. See these steps, follow them and feel better?

Monday 27 July 2015

Reflections:Think Before You Talk


In ancient Greece, Socrates was reputed to hold knowledge in high esteem. One day an acquaintance met the great philosopher and said, “Do you know what I just heard about your friend?”
“Hold on a minute,” Socrates replied. “Before telling me anything I’d like you to pass a little test. It’s called the Triple Filter Test.”
“Triple filter?”     

Thursday 23 July 2015

Photo:Doctors In China Save Man's Severed Hand By Attaching It To His Legs

Chinese surgeons recently performed a bizarre surgery in order to save a man’s severed hand. They grafted it on to his ankle for a month, before reattaching it to his arm! The innovative surgery was carried out on factory worker Zhou, from Changsha, China’s Hunan province. Zhou’s left hand was accidentally severed from his arm during an accident involving a spinning blade machine. He was immediately rushed to Xiangya Hospital, where Dr. Tang Juyu and his team realised that the damaged nerves and tendons needed time to heal. If they tried to attach the hand to his arm immediately, its cells would die from lack of blood supply.
See Photo:

Ten Percent Of World Population Suffers From Mental Disorder - WHO


The World Health Organisation (WHO) revealed on Tuesday in Geneva that 10 per cent of global population suffer from mental disorder amid insufficient workforce.

The WHO Mental Health Atlas 2014 report says it is an indication that there is less than one mental health worker per 10,000 people worldwide.

The orgainsation’s statistics also shows that one in four people is affected by mental health disorder at some point in their lives.

Environmental Health:Group Educates IDPs


The Association of Lady Pharmacists carried out a sensitisation campaign at the camps of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Abuja, so as to encourage healthy living practices amongst them.

The sensitisation started at one of the IDP camps situated at Pegi community in Kuje Area Council of Abuja.

This initiative was to help instil in residents of the camp, healthy environmental practices with regards to cleanliness during the rainy season which always come with its health and environmental challenges.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Bird Flu:$20m Needed To Halt Spread In West Africa - UN


The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) had warned on Tuesday that, without timely intervention to stop the outbreaks of the highly virulent avian flu virus H5N1, which has already spread to five West African countries in six months, will spread across the region and beyond.

UN New Service reports that, outbreaks of the virus have been reported in poultry farms, markets and family holdings in Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Niger, Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana.

Ebola Vaccine Trial To Begin Soon In Ghana:No Need To Fear Says VC


Professor Fred Binka has allayed the fears of the people of Hohoe and all Ghanaians, about the Ebola vaccine trial that would take place at the Research centre in the town of Hohoe.

The professor, who also is the Vice Chancellor of the University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS), assured Ghanaians that, there is nothing to fear about the trial of the vaccine because it would be safe, just like any other vaccine trials carried out in the country. Prof. Binka observed that the concerns raised about the Ebola vaccine trial was very unfortunate, to the extent that some people even concluded that the vaccine trial had already started, when in truth the drug had not even been imported into the country for the exercise.

Beware!You Can Acquire These Infections From The Hospital


We go to the clinic whenever we are really sick, but sometimes that stay can lead to another illness on top of that first medical issue. These health care-associated infections or Nosocomial infections occur because a hospital puts a lot of people with infections in one place, many of them with low immunity, without strict procedures for maintaining sterile conditions; these can cause pathogens to spread.

Catheter UTI
Sometimes patients can't urinate due to injury, surgery or other reasons. When that happens, a nurse or doctor may install a catheter that automatically drains urine from the person's bladder. One end of the tube goes through the skin and into the bladder; the other end attaches to a collection bag.
The problem is that the bladder and urinary tract are usually germ-free environments, and introducing an external tube can allow pathogens to get into the bladder and cause a urinary tract infection, the most common hospital-acquired infection.

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