Kaduna Launch Polio-Free Tree Planting Campaign With WHO - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Kaduna Launch Polio-Free Tree Planting Campaign With WHO | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE http://go.ad2upapp.com/afu.php?id=1182571





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Tuesday 4 August 2015

Kaduna Launch Polio-Free Tree Planting Campaign With WHO


The World Health Organization (WHO) and The Kaduna State Government, last week, launched the polio-free legacy tree planting campaign; a symbolic strategy that is geared towards nurturing progress achieved in the polio eradication initiative of one year without any recorded case for the first time.

The initiative was conceived by WHO to serve as constant reminder to all stakeholders and major players of their role in nurturing the fragile achievement and redoubling efforts towards stopping polio transmission until 2017 when Nigeria is expected to get WHO certification as polio-free country.

The first tree planting was done at the premises of the State Primary Healthcare Development Agency, by Dr Paul Manya Dogo, The Permanent Secretary in the Kaduna State ministry of health.
Manya Dogo, expressed gratitude to WHO for its foresight and continuing support on matters of health in the State.

“The polio-free tree legacy tree planting initiative we are launching today is not a mark of celebration but a symbol of renewed efforts and commitment by all stakeholders. The tree planting will be replicated in all the 23 LGA of the states and ward to boost the strength of our immunization personnel towards achieving certification in 2017” Dr Dogo stated.

In his response, Dr Pascal Mkanda, who represented the WHO Representative to Nigeria at the event, thanked the Kaduna State Government for making the project a reality. He informed officials present that as he reallocates to the regional office, he will always keep in mind, the importance of the occasion and the shelter that the polio legacy tree will provide towards provision of other public health interventions such as measles and malaria.

With inadequate health facilities, especially in rural area, the polio trees will provide needed shade for establishing health camps and mobile clinics.

The Sarkin Fadan Zazzau who spoke on behalf of the other traditional leaders, commended WHO for the notable support and promised that all hierarchies of the Zazzau Emirate Council will replicate and nurture the neem seedlings to maturity in line with the overarching polio legacy objective.
Pic credit:WHO

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