Ebola Vaccine Trial To Begin Soon In Ghana:No Need To Fear Says VC - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Ebola Vaccine Trial To Begin Soon In Ghana:No Need To Fear Says VC | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE http://go.ad2upapp.com/afu.php?id=1182571





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Wednesday 22 July 2015

Ebola Vaccine Trial To Begin Soon In Ghana:No Need To Fear Says VC


Professor Fred Binka has allayed the fears of the people of Hohoe and all Ghanaians, about the Ebola vaccine trial that would take place at the Research centre in the town of Hohoe.

The professor, who also is the Vice Chancellor of the University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS), assured Ghanaians that, there is nothing to fear about the trial of the vaccine because it would be safe, just like any other vaccine trials carried out in the country. Prof. Binka observed that the concerns raised about the Ebola vaccine trial was very unfortunate, to the extent that some people even concluded that the vaccine trial had already started, when in truth the drug had not even been imported into the country for the exercise.

He was speaking at a workshop for selected media practitioners in the Volta region to educate them on Ebola vaccine trial and also a public education programme for the chiefs and people in the Hohoe Municipality, organized by AMMREN-PLUS, a Non Governmental Organization (NGO), as part of its programme to train media practitioners on health related issues and also educate the people on the Ebola vaccine trial.

Prof. Binka, who is an internationally acclaimed scientist and specialist in clinical trials of vaccine explained that the people of Hohoe should not panic over an intended Ebola vaccine trial because the establishment of the Public Health School of the University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS) in Hohoe goes with a number of responsibilities, including research and carrying out many clinical trials as a university.
He continued that the research center, which formed vital component of UHAS, was well equipped with relevant equipment that would enable the university to conduct serious research. "How can we have a university basically for health and allied sciences and people think that we should not conduct research, the research center here at Hohoe meets international standard that is why the center was selected for the trial here at Hohoe," he stressed

Prof. Binka , who is also the principal Investigator in the Ebola vaccine trial to be conducted at Hohoe, said so far he had led various teams in Ghana in conducting 27 successful trials of medicines being used in Ghana and across the world but many people did not know hence their worries about the trial in the country.
He attributed the situation to the misunderstanding of what a vaccine is and that of a virus stressing that the current efforts in Ghana was to contribute towards the development of an effective vaccine to protect the people against future outbreak of the Ebola disease in the Africa sub-region.
The UHAS Vice Chancellor explained further that vaccines would be used on healthy people without infection or disease stressing that volunteers would be thoroughly screened to ensure that they were healthy before administering the vaccine on them and would be closely monitored

"I want to make this very clear to all that Ebola vaccine just like any other vaccine is not a virus but rather a form of protection against the disease when there is an outbreak and in this case the Ebola vaccine would produce anti-bodies that would protect the person who was vaccinated."

Prof. Binka also noted that: "The University (UHAS) has qualified personnel ready to carry out any form of research and we are ready as a young university to conduct this Ebola vaccine trial. I think after the programme most people would understand better that UHAS has come to transform Hohoe, unless the Paramount Chief declare that the university be relocated, which I know he would not do and you should see Hohoe now as a university community".

The Volta Regional Director of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), Mr. Eugene Addo who educated the people on the topic: 'Ethical issues in clinical trials and the role of regulatory bodies', said his outfit had recently approved of the Ebola vaccine trial in Ghana after thorough inspection of the research center at Hohoe to ensure that it operates within approved standards.

Mr. Addo said the FDA would continue to ensure that ethical issues were strictly adhered to throughout the exercise stressing that the Principal Investigator, Prof. Binka, an experienced Scientist who had many clinical trials to his credit, would work within the set rules and regulations since the FDA would not tolerate any shortfalls.

The Executive Secretary of AMMREN-PLUS, Mrs. Charity Binka said it was very clear that some of the media practitioners knew little or nothing about the Ebola vaccine trial and would not report accurately, therefore, the decision to organize the two day workshop for them to upgrade their skills.
Mrs. Binka observed that communication played key role in national development especially on health issues and that it was crucial for media practitioners to understand issues relating to health to enable them to report accurately as well as be in position to educate the public on emerging health issues like Ebola vaccine trial in the country.

Participants at the public forum commended the organizers of the programme for the education because their suspicion was as a result of total ignorance about the Ebola vaccine trial and promised to support the trial since it would help protect them against possible outbreak of Ebola disease in future.

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