Alert! Shortage Of Vaccine For Meningitis C In NIgeria - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Alert! Shortage Of Vaccine For Meningitis C In NIgeria | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Wednesday 12 August 2015

Alert! Shortage Of Vaccine For Meningitis C In NIgeria


International health officials are scrambling to find meningitis C vaccines as an outbreak of the child-killing disease threatens to balloon.

The first large-scale outbreak of the C strain in decades has already killed 800 of 12,000 people infected this year in Nigeria and neighboring Niger.

The World Health Organization says experts have been taken by surprise. Cases have been increasing since 2013.

Health officials want to stockpile 5 million doses but manufacturers say they cannot produce that amount.

Nigerian health leaders this week repeated demands that the government reopen a lab in Lagos which once produced millions of vaccines. The director of Nigeria's Center for Disease Control, Abdulsalami Nasidi, says he fears the potential number of fatalities if a vaccine shortage and meningitis epidemic collide.

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