Nigeria Must Maintain The Momentum On Zero Case Of Polio- Ki-Moon - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Nigeria Must Maintain The Momentum On Zero Case Of Polio- Ki-Moon | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Tuesday 25 August 2015

Nigeria Must Maintain The Momentum On Zero Case Of Polio- Ki-Moon


United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, has assured Nigeria of global commitment to assist the country mobilise resources to continue to tame poliomyelitis in view of achieving certification by 2017.
On a field visit yesterday to a family health centre at Abuja’s Area 2, Ki-Moon stated that Nigeria’s recent effort acquired status after exiting the list of polio-endemic countries would help in “mobilising the necessary resources and financial support” needed to push through.
“What’s most encouraging at the time is Nigeria has experienced the zero case of polio, exiting the list of endemic countries, but it must maintain the momentum,” Ki-Moon stressed.

This came as Nigeria on July 24 celebrated a whole year without a case of wild poliovirus, leaving behind countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan among nations where the virus is endemic and severe.
Contrary, Nigeria must also go two years without any infection before it will be officially certified by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as a polio-free country.

Ki-Moon, on a second visit to Nigeria during his tenure, was received by the FCT’s health officials from the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA).

NPHCDA Executive Director, Dr Ado Muhammad, said: “It was thought impossible, but Nigeria has done it.”

On immunisation, Muhammad stated that “with the progress, funding will continue and the UN will continue to mobilise global we can eradicate polio and achieve certification by 2017.”

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