What Is That Bad Habit? See Ways To Overcome Them - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE What Is That Bad Habit? See Ways To Overcome Them | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE http://go.ad2upapp.com/afu.php?id=1182571





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Thursday 13 August 2015

What Is That Bad Habit? See Ways To Overcome Them


Habits can be acquired by conscious repetition and desire to achieve proficiency in an activity.
Many habits are acquired, often without awareness, from influences in the environment. A child, for example, having heard others constantly use meaningless phrases, such as “ermm..as in,” may begin to use them himself to such an extent that the use becomes habitual. Some habits develop in response to a person's unconscious needs.
Thumb-sucking and nail-biting, for example, are usually attempts to relieve tensions of which the individual is not aware. Such habits ordinarily disappear when the tensions causing them are discovered and eliminated.

Most habits serve a necessary purpose. Simple, routine acts performed habitually leave reasoning and other higher mental processes free to solve complex problems or to provide enjoyment. Habits also play a role in coping with emergencies; an experienced automobile driver, for example, will immediately apply the brakes when a child darts in front of the car.
It makes sense that parents can influence kids' tobacco habits; after all, smoking is a very visual process. Kids see parents smoke throughout the day, accompany parents to the store to pick up cigarettes and smell the lingering smoke on clothing and in the air. But what about less visible habits like finances and gossip? Some people cannot stop gossiping about people around them, it’s like a disease!

If you're worried that your children will pick up all your bad habits, take heart – your good habits also have a genetic component. Gray Matter Researchers discovered that people who volunteer regularly are 125 percent more likely to have parents who encouraged volunteering and 145 percent more likely to have parents who actually volunteered themselves than people who don't volunteer regularly.
Don't be discouraged if you find yourself stuck in the same rut as your parents habits-wise, while genetics explains some of the variation in habits like smoking and spending, it's not the only determining factor. With enough commitment, you may be able to overcome the influence of genetics and enforce good behaviours and habits in your children.

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