Cholera Outbreak In Nigeria:WHO Raises Alert - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Cholera Outbreak In Nigeria:WHO Raises Alert | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Thursday 9 July 2015

Cholera Outbreak In Nigeria:WHO Raises Alert


The use of the Oral Cholera Vaccines (OCV) is an efficient tool to effectively control the out breaks of cholera outbreaks in Nigeria and other developing countries.

The World Health Organisation (WHO), in a statement, has warned governments and the international health community that the threat of a cholera outbreak is a major public concern in Nigeria and some developing countries.

According to WHO, new outbreaks are ongoing in South Sudan and Tanzania, fanned by insecurity and displacement. Intensive control efforts are ongoing and vaccination programmes have been rolled out to target communities at risk.

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has also called on governments to redouble efforts to protect the health and rights of women and girls. It made the call in a statement ahead of the 2015 World Population Day.

The Guardian reports that: a damning independent report, commissioned by the organisation itself, has declared, “the Ebola crisis proves the organisation lacks the ‘capacity and culture’ to deal with global health emergencies.”

The review panel said WHO was too slow to act to get on top of the deadly virus, which has now killed more than 11,000 people in West Africa. And it calls for an urgent overhaul of the organization.
However, the WHO, in a report published by British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), says it has plans for reform. It has already admitted that it waited too long to declare Ebola a public health emergency of international concern.

WHO Director-General, Margaret Chan, admitted in May, it had been “overwhelmed” by the Ebola outbreak, saying it “shook this organisation to its core.”
The disease that hit Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea began spreading in December 2013, but it took until August 2014 for WHO to sound the alarm. By that point, more than 1,000 people had died of the virus. The death toll now stands at more than 11,000.

According to the report, WHO lacked a culture of rapid decision-making. In the early stages of the Ebola crisis, messages were sent about the seriousness of the situation but these “either did not reach senior leaders or senior leaders did not recognise their significance.”
“There seems to have been a hope that the crisis could be managed by good diplomacy rather than by scaling up emergency action,” the report says.

In addition, the Director-General reemphasised that there is no public health justification for refusing entry or quarantining travellers simply because they had been in, or are citizens of one of the affected countries. Any measures applied must be based on appropriate public health evidence or information about potential risks posed by the individual traveller.

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