See These Food and Breakfast Secrets - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE See These Food and Breakfast Secrets | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Thursday 9 March 2017

See These Food and Breakfast Secrets


If you don’t eat breakfast regularly, then you've probably heard that you should get used to eating breakfast every day. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" is the desperate cry of parents everywhere.

 Dieticians agree that Eating breakfast gives you the energy you need to start your morning. Skipping it leads to overeating and bad food choices later in the day, which can mean weight gain and an overall decline in health. Without breakfast, the thinking goes, you're lethargic and increasingly hungry in the morning — and by lunch you're ready to chow down on one big burger or shawarma and an supersize orobo Coke.
Read on to see simple everyday snack tip that are healthy for you: 

Is breakfast really so important? Plenty of people skip breakfast every day — some just aren't hungry first thing in the morning, some would rather catch up on sleep than spend time making breakfast, and some are trying to save the calories. A few studies have backed the breakfast-skippers, including one in which a group of college students saved about 400 calories a day by omitting breakfast, even if they tended to consume a bit more at lunch.

 And other studies found that breakfast does have benefits, including decreased risk of Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

The studies have had a wide variety of sizes and methods, which could be one reason for the different results. Another factor could be that "breakfast" means different things to different people. Some of us eat as soon as we wake up, and some of us might eat for the first time midmorning but consider it a snack. Does it matter when we eat or what we call it? The authors of the diabetes study found that it makes no difference: "Snacking" in the morning has the same benefits as eating breakfast.

All breakfasts are not created equal. A bowl of cereal and a doughnut with a side of juice will not give you the benefits of a protein- and fiber-packed meal. Simple carbohydrates paired with sugar will give you a short rush of energy but won't do much else for you. Protein gives longer-term energy, is essential for keeping bones and muscles healthy, and helps boosts immunity. Fiber lowers your cholesterol, regulates blood-sugar levels, helps you feel full, and "keeps things moving" .

So if you are a dedicated breakfast-eater, say goodbye to the ‘any how food’ and opt for eggs, whole-grain toast, oatmeal, fruit or a smoothie.


Anonymous said...

Very educating.
Thank you

Collette Nature Blog said...

Thanks Anon..

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