Reflections:Letter From God - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Reflections:Letter From God | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Monday 27 March 2017

Reflections:Letter From God


A letter from God
You're on a hotline with someone special on the other end, someone who can really help you. Someone who has answers, complete with landing gear--specific answers tailor made for you in your situation.
Is that hard to believe? You may feel like you've heard or read many such promises before. Each time, they failed to deliver, even those that were advertised as "guaranteed for life." You may have believed those promises and bought into them, devoting your time and effort to attaining the rewards they painted in glowing colors before you. Now, maybe you're not so sure anymore. You may have lost your job, your financial stability, perhaps even your dream home--and worst of all, there doesn't appear to be any hope of a quick recovery. Everything you loved and valued feels like it could slip away any minute.
But will it?

Turn your focus for a moment toward your family and others you love and care for. Do you still have your kids, or your wife or husband, or your parents, or your sisters and brothers, or your friends? Consider the love, care, support, and encouragement you receive from those who are close to you. You can't see or tally these blessings, but you can certainly feel them. If you look at your life with the right perspective, you'll find that you really haven't lost as much as you might at first think you have.
A wise man once said that even if you lost the entire world but still held onto your faith, then really you've lost nothing. If you have faith, the world is at your command. There are no unscalable heights, no uncrossable rivers, no impregnable walls, and no tsunami of economic depression that can pull you under.
Faith is the currency of the unseen world. Its exchange rate isn't subject to economic fluctuations or stock market "corrections." Faith's intrinsic value is immeasurable. Faith can change your circumstances, conditions, and even your outlook on life. It doesn't disappear in any recession, natural disaster, accident, or any other calamity. Faith can lift you up and out of any crisis, misery, debt, or loss, even those of your own doing.
You can securely put your faith in Me, because I will never let you down. Will you look to Me and ask Me for My gift of faith? I can place it in your heart, even if you can't find it there yourself. In fact, if you ask Me, I can do something wonderful inside of you that will totally eclipse all loss. I love you so much that there's nothing I won't do for you--as long as it's good for you--if you ask Me in faith.

So, Ask Me!

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