Eat Celery, It Will Help Relive Pain and Stress - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Eat Celery, It Will Help Relive Pain and Stress | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Wednesday 22 March 2017

Eat Celery, It Will Help Relive Pain and Stress


Celery has strong antioxidant properties that reduce inflammation and joint pain. It can greatly benefit people with arthritis. It can also benefit people with asthma and acne, infact, the ancient Romans believed that celery had healing powers, especially when it came to headaches. We are often times interested in apples and spinach that we forget other very important veggies. I eat Celery at least once a week and it has helped a lot in improving my health.
Improve eye health
You probably know that vitamin A is vital for eye health. Well, celery can give you up to 10 percent of the daily recommended vitamin A. It also contains polyphenol phytonutrients that help maintain perfect eyesight.

 Improve your digestion
Celery has lots of water and fiber will improve your digestion. Most importantly, it will help remove toxins from your body. Consequently this will make it easier to lose weight and reduce risk of diseases.

  Reduce bad cholesterol

LDL or bad cholesterol can cause health problems, including high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease. Celery contains the compound butylphthalide which reduces bad cholesterol. According to research, it shows that eating two stalks of celery a day can reduce cholesterol by 7 percent.

Fight cancer
Researchers say that celery can help fight colorectal and pancreatic cancer. This is because it contains luteolin, flavonoids that hinder growth of cancer cells.

 Relieve stress
Celery contains magnesium which is known to reduce stress. Eating it in the evening will calm your nerves and help you sleep better. Note that 100mg of celery have 11 mg of magnesium.

 Reduce acidity in the body
Eating celery every evening will help balance your pH levels. It’s alkaline so it’ll reduce acidity in your body.

 Reduce blood pressure
Celery contains phthalides, compounds that help improve blood circulation. It can improve circulation by 14 percent. And the fact that celery relieves stress also helps reduce blood pressure.

Improve sex life
Studies have shown that,when you chew celery, androstenone and androstanol are released. These are sex pheromones that increase arousal and sex drive.

 Lose weight faster
Celery is nutrient-dense, low in calories and rich in water. This makes it a perfect weight loss food. Add it to salads, smoothies and stews.

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