Lagos Residents To Obtain Permit Before Sinking Boreholes - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Lagos Residents To Obtain Permit Before Sinking Boreholes | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Thursday 9 March 2017

Lagos Residents To Obtain Permit Before Sinking Boreholes


As part of major internal improvements backed by the new Environmental Management and Protection Bill, passed by the Lagos State House of Assembly, KAI (Kick Against Indiscipline) will be transformed into the Lagos State Environmental Sanitation Corps Agency which will spearhead enforcement of the stringent penalties imposed on defaulters.

This New environmental policies by the Lagos state government also mandates all residents to obtain permits before sinking boreholes.
This simply means that anyone who has a house, shop, office, school etc. in Lagos and wants to have any structure connected with water supply must obtain permit from the office of drainage services, failure to abide by this new rule.....

Attracts a fine ranging from N250,000 to N5Million. Lagos state is doing everything possible to make sure its environment is clean and livable for all its inhabitants.

Speaking at the signing of the new Environmental Bill last week Wednesday, His Excellency Gov. Akinwunmi Ambode said “Compliance is the key. The burden of the cost of providing these services will remain low if everyone does their part and pays their Public Utilities Levy.

LASECORPS’s performance evaluations and remuneration will be tied directly to the number of actionable fines they issue for non-compliance. The Environmental Corps will be supported by PUMAU (Public Utilities Monitoring Assurance Unit) a unit that will have oversight responsibility by using innovative monitoring tools to ensure the new standards are effectively enforced.

The Lagos State Government said defaulters of these laws will face stiff penalties from the government which include heavy fines ranging from N250,000 to N5,000,000 and/or imprisonment.

The government is also planning a clampdown on all illegal structures on sewage systems without approval as such structures will be demolished. Also in the new law, anyone who wants to a sink borehole or any structure connected with the supply of water must obtain permit from the office of drainage services.

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