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Saturday 15 June 2024

Cholera Outbreak in Lagos- What you should know


The Lagos State Government declared a cholera outbreak. As reported by the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) on 12 June 2024, 324 suspected cholera cases have been reported in the state, including 15 people who died and 40 who were discharged.

According to the WHO, Cholera is an extremely virulent disease transmitted through the ingestion of contaminated food or water (2). Cholera can cause severe acute watery diarrhoea and the severe forms of the disease can kill within hours if left untreated.

Most people infected with V. cholerae do not develop any symptoms, although 

Love Stays...Let's Stay


A nurse took an anxious, young man to the bedside. “Your son is here,” she said to the old man. She had to repeat the words several times before the patient’s eyes opened. Heavily sedated because of the pain of his heart attack, he dimly saw the young man standing outside the oxygen tent. He reached out his hand. The young man wrapped his toughened fingers around the old man’s limp ones, squeezing a message of love and encouragement.


The nurse brought a chair so that he could sit beside the bed. All through the night,

Sunday 26 May 2024

Been A While

 You can read my old posts via  Google blogger.

The website is down for now.

I shall post soon


Wednesday 13 October 2021

Safety Tips For Kids At Home And School

 Avoid things that causes home accidents!

Parents can take proactive steps to childproof the home and keep their children safe by teaching them a few practical rules.

Keep Cleaning Materials and Other Chemicals Away From Children

From detergent to deodorant, many household products are potentially poisonous to kids if swallowed. To childproof your house, think from

Why Do You Get Angry And Yell

A sage asked his followers, “Why do people yell at each other when they are upset?” The followers thought for a while, and one said, “We lose our calm and so we yell!”


“But explain to me, why do you yell when the other person is right next to you?” asked the sage.

Thursday 4 February 2021

The New Year- A New Horizon



Taking on the challenges of the New Year is often likened to climbing a mountain: Although it’s a lot of hard work and potentially dangerous, it holds special rewards for those who rise to the challenge and don’t quit till they reach the summit.

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Feed Your Body, Don't Starve Your Soul!


She said she felt flat. It felt like she was running on empty. She knew that something was missing in her life. It was like a hunger deep within. I asked her what she had been feeding her spirit. “What do you mean?” she asked.

Friday 4 October 2019

Volunteer - For a Better Life!


Volunteer work, when the motive is genuine, can have amazing
physical benefits.
• Stress reduction: When helping others, your body releases an
important hormone called oxytocin, which assists in buffering out
stressful thoughts.

Thursday 26 September 2019

ALERT! Safety Tip For Kids


“The way to avoid accidents is to avoid the conditions that cause them.”

Home is where children grow and learn, the place where they find comfort, love, and care. It’s where they can see, touch, explore, and experience the world around them, so their minds and bodies develop properly. It’s also a place where children need to feel safe. However, home injuries are a leading source of accidental death for children. Fortunately, home injuries are largely avoidable through education and prevention. Parents can take proactive steps to childproof the home and keep their children safe by teaching them a few practical rules.

Good Nutrition Can Save Lives!


We need to eat right at all times.
Essential health packages in all settings need to contain robust nutrition components and importantly, we all need to decide which interventions best support our national health policies, strategies and plans.

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Do You Think You Have Lost Everything? Help Tips!


There are going to be storms of stress, torrents of tragedy, gales and gusts of grief, and floods of failure. When these things happen, the typical, often unanswerable question we ask is “Why?” “Why is this happening to me? Why is this going on?” We may never get an answer to these questions on this side of eternity, but I’ve discovered from other people’s experiences that we often don’t need an explanation as much as encouragement. Explanations don’t encourage us. Therefore, it’s far more helpful, instead of asking “Why?” to ask “What?” “What do I do now? What’s next?”

Whether you’ve lost a loved one, your job, your financial security, or a dream, your heart is broken. What do you do when it seems you’ve lost it all? How do you rebuild your life?

Steps to rebuilding your life

1. Release your grief.

Thursday 2 May 2019

See The Playtime Recommendation For Children


Children under five must spend less time sitting watching screens, or restrained in prams and seats, get better quality sleep and have more time for active play if they are to grow up healthy, according to new guidelines issued by the World Health Organization (WHO).

See the activity recommendation according to age:

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