The New Year- A New Horizon - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE The New Year- A New Horizon | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Thursday 4 February 2021

The New Year- A New Horizon



Taking on the challenges of the New Year is often likened to climbing a mountain: Although it’s a lot of hard work and potentially dangerous, it holds special rewards for those who rise to the challenge and don’t quit till they reach the summit.

But sometimes we may become too self-confident and feel that we can go it alone. If we’re smart, we’ll realize that we need the help of a mountain guide, The Almighty knows where the green pastures are, as well as where the dangers lie. If we stay close to Him, He will help us to reach our goals for the coming year, to conquer the summit and experience the peace of His presence.

Rules for a Better Life this Year:

Pray Always
Never Hate
Don’t Worry
Live Simply
Expect a Little
Give a Lot
Always Smile
Live with Love
Meditate on God’s Words
Best of all, Be with God!


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