Safety Tips For Kids At Home And School - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Safety Tips For Kids At Home And School | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Wednesday 13 October 2021

Safety Tips For Kids At Home And School

 Avoid things that causes home accidents!

Parents can take proactive steps to childproof the home and keep their children safe by teaching them a few practical rules.

Keep Cleaning Materials and Other Chemicals Away From Children

From detergent to deodorant, many household products are potentially poisonous to kids if swallowed. To childproof your house, think from

 a child’s perspective, even getting down on your hands and knees to see things from your child’s point of view. Store all medicines in a locked cabinet, away from a child’s reach. Even cabinets that are up high need a lock, because curious kids might climb up to see what’s inside.

Never Leave children Alone near Water

Splashing around in the water at bath time or playtime is great fun for children, yet water presents many possible hazards. Drowning can occur in less than an inch of water, making bathtubs, sinks, pools, and even pails a source of great danger. Never leave a child unattended near water, even for just a few seconds. If the phone or doorbell rings while your baby or young child is in the bathtub, pick him up, wrap him in a towel, and take him with you. Do not leave him alone: It takes only a few seconds for drowning to occur.


Scalding burns from hot water are also

A potential concern. To be safe, lower your hot water heater settings to 120 degrees F (49 degrees C) to avoid scalding by water that comes out of the bathtub or sink faucets. Test bath water temperature with your hand or elbow to make sure it is at a comfortable temperature before lowering your child into the tub.


Secure Windows, Block stairways, and Lock doors

Accidental falls are one of the most common types of injuries to children. The severity of the injury often depends on the distance of the fall, so be aware of the dangers of heights. Never let your baby or toddler sit on a bed or counter unattended. Keep stairs and hallways clear and free of clutter that could cause a child to trip and take a tumble, and install safety gates to block a toddler’s access to a staircase. Discourage play near windows and patio doors, which could lead to a fall through glass. And don’t store or display anything near a window a child could climb. Keep young children from wandering out the front door by keeping it locked. It’s a smart habit.


Keep small items and Food out of reach

Many injuries occur when children are unable to breathe because food or other objects block their internal airways and cause choking. Most choking injuries occur with food items, so cut your child’s meals and snacks into bite-sized pieces. Children are at risk from choking on small candies, nuts, hotdogs, grapes, carrots, and popcorn, so keep these foods out of their reach.


Make sure small household items are stored away from a child’s reach to avoid accidental choking. Don’t select toys with many small parts. Look for labeling on toys with small parts that warn they are not safe for children under 3 years old.


Cover Electrical Outlets, and Protect Children from Electrical Wires

Electrical shock can cause death and injuries. Proper grounding, electrical safety devices and avoiding hazardous situations can help prevent electrical shock in children. Childproof your home from electric shock with these safety tips:


• Cover unused electrical sockets with plastic covers.

• Keep young children away from electrical appliances.

• Teach kids to respect electricity as early as possible.

• Do not use a hair dryer or radio near water.



If an accident occurs despite all of your precautions, contact a doctor immediately to guide you to the most appropriate first aid and the next step for treatment.


Be prepared for an emergency. No matter how well you childproof your home or try to prevent accidents, one of the best things you can do is prepare yourself for an emergency. Assemble a first aid kit with emergency instructions, keep important numbers near your phone, and, as soon as your child is old enough to know her own name and address, teach him or her to dial a number to call for help in case of an emergency

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