Feed Your Body, Don't Starve Your Soul! - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Feed Your Body, Don't Starve Your Soul! | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE http://go.ad2upapp.com/afu.php?id=1182571





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Tuesday 3 March 2020

Feed Your Body, Don't Starve Your Soul!


She said she felt flat. It felt like she was running on empty. She knew that something was missing in her life. It was like a hunger deep within. I asked her what she had been feeding her spirit. “What do you mean?” she asked.

Just as our body needs food, so does our spirit. We rarely think about the diet our spirit is getting. Taking a close look at what you have been feeding your spirit will likely reveal why that deep hunger exists at times. Where has your focus been?

Ask yourself a few questions…

Am I allowing my spirit to spiral down with thinking filled with worry?

Has busyness crowded out my quiet time to think about the choices I am making? We change with the influences around us.

Is my entertainment feeding me things that actually rob my spirit?

Am I surrounding myself with people that encourage me or pull me down?

What desires am I focusing on?

Who am I becoming?

Check it out. Is your soul hungry? Does it feel like something is missing? Take one week and pay close attention to the needs of your spirit, and feed it with positive and faith-building thoughts. Pray, and meditate, and let peace penetrate your heart. It will feed and fill you in ways you have forgotten. Don’t settle for less.


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