How much dirt do you eat in a year - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE How much dirt do you eat in a year | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Wednesday 12 October 2016

How much dirt do you eat in a year


Kids under 1 year eat about 60 milligrams of dirt a day; from ages 1-20, they eat 100 milligrams.

We all know we shouldn't eat dirt, but we do it anyway. Mostly not on purpose – dirt gets into our bodies all day, every day, whether we want it to or not. It's understandably difficult to figure out exactly how much is getting in.

We get our daily dirt allowance in all kinds of ways, from contaminated food, dust inhalation, and by not also washing our hands often.(except during the Ebola wahala..hehehe)

Apparently the dirt we consume breaks down into two basic parts: soil and dust. About 45 percent of the stuff we inhale or inadvertently eat is soil, and 55 percent is dust.

Now, we don’t need to develop obsession to cleanliness but we should as well try to maintain clean environments and wash our hands as often as possible-especially for our kids.

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