Reflections:Answers To Life Questions..Do this and be happy - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Reflections:Answers To Life Questions..Do this and be happy | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Reflections:Answers To Life Questions..Do this and be happy


Q: I’ve been stressed-out at work over relations with a new co-worker. He is talented and ambitious, but behaves as though he’s jealous of my position. I feel threatened and don’t know how to react to his aggressive temperament.
A: Dealing with difficult people in the work place can put a strain on our nerves and on our ability to perform in our job, especially when jealousy over position is a factor. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
It takes time to build new relationships of mutual trust and respect, and we may have to work at it. As frustrated and threatened as we may feel, we can be sure that persistent kindness will pay off in the end.
It’s like the story of a man who moved into a community here a notoriously disagreeable and contentious old man lived. When the newcomer to the neighbourhood was warned about the old man’s temperament, he answered, “If he disturbs me, I will kill him!”  

His statement reached the ears of his ill-tempered neighbour who had, in various ways, already begun to torment the newcomer. But every offensive action was met with kindness until at last the cantankerous old man was overwhelmed by the kind words and deeds of his new neighbour. As a new friendship began to blossom, the old man admitted, “I was told that you said you would kill me, but I didn’t expect you to do it this way!”
Here are a few practical tips that can help improve our relations:
• Concentrate on finding contentment n giving your best, regardless of what others say or do.
• Keep your cool. “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” as the Proverb says.
• Sincerely compliment all your co-workers, but especially those whom you feel threatened by.
• Pass on the credit to others at every opportunity. If someone gives you a tip or corrects a mistake before it causes  problem, or when someone thanks you for your good work, share the credit.
• Make friends with co-workers on a social level, even if just over a cup of coffee out of the office.
• Take time to listen to others. Show interest in their situations and be sympathetic.
• If you’re in a position to improve or change things at work, ask your co-workers for suggestions that would help their work to go better.
• Laugh at others’ jokes. We can also ask God for insight and for plenty of His love to be able to handle our co-workers. His love will spread encouragement and tolerance that will lift up others and cause them to respond in kind

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