Reflections:You Are Never Alone - COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE Reflections:You Are Never Alone | COLLETTE DIET AND NATURE





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Wednesday 17 February 2016

Reflections:You Are Never Alone


A young man, planning to take his life by leaping from a hotel window, knocked a Gideon Bible off the table as he moved towards the window. In the fall, the Bible opened. Curious to see just what it said where it opened, he read this verse: You … will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me (John 16:32 NKJ).
The man’s wife had left him, and it seemed that that passage was a direct message to him. He sat down and read it over and over. Yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.
Wanting to know more about that Father, he read other passages, and read on and on into the night. And such a wonderful thing happened-he received hope from the Author of those pages, and both his life and soul were miraculously saved.

To every one of us, from time to time, there comes a sense of utter loneliness. Some tears are always shed alone. No other human being can ever enter the deepest recesses of our mind or heart or soul.
But why? Because God made us for Himself. He desires our love. He put a little sign on the table of your heart, which reads, “Reserved for Me.” In every heart, He wishes to be first. He therefore keeps the secret key Himself, the key to open all our hearts’ chambers and to bless with perfect sympathy and peace each solitary soul that comes to Him.
So when you feel this loneliness, it is the voice of Jesus saying, “Come to Me.” And every time you feel that no one understands, it is a call for you to come to Him again.
culled:Virginia Berg

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