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Wednesday 17 February 2016

CNB Fruity Talk:Apples...More than you already know


Studies show that the  antioxidant abundant in apples, helps reduce LDL/bad cholesterol oxidation. Apples are rich in a soluble fiber called pectin. The study also suggest that pectin may help to reduce levels of toxic heavy metals in the body.

– An Apple a day can keep the doctors away.

-Eating apple every day can make you wise and alert.

-Apple is a rich source of flavonoid and poly phenols both are powerful antioxidant.

Reflections:You Are Never Alone


A young man, planning to take his life by leaping from a hotel window, knocked a Gideon Bible off the table as he moved towards the window. In the fall, the Bible opened. Curious to see just what it said where it opened, he read this verse: You … will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me (John 16:32 NKJ).
The man’s wife had left him, and it seemed that that passage was a direct message to him. He sat down and read it over and over. Yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.
Wanting to know more about that Father, he read other passages, and read on and on into the night. And such a wonderful thing happened-he received hope from the Author of those pages, and both his life and soul were miraculously saved.

Friday 12 February 2016

Reflections:Love Is....


Love is believing, trusting, helping, encouraging, confiding, sharing, understanding, feeling, touching, caring, praying, giving. Love is communication. Love is an emotion. Love is passionate, alive, vibrant, and warm. Love is something that gets better all the time!

Love is the greatest need of humanity, so love is the greatest service to mankind. Love is spiritual, but is manifested in the physical. Love is seen as it is put into action. Love is thoughtfulness. Love is always. Love knows no hours or days. Love is always finding a way. Love is giving all. Love is rare—the unselfish kind. Love is priceless. Love is its own reward.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Police brutality:Doctors Shut Down Imo Hospitals In Protest


Public and private hospitals in Imo State have declared a three-day close down of activities to protest their ill-treatment by the police and the Governor Rochas Okorocha’s  administration.

Last week, the doctors and the police clashed in Owerri, the state capital, during a protest against the management of public hospitals and poor treatment of health workers by the state government. During the incident, some doctors were reportedly shot at by the police.

On Tuesday by the state chapter of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA), gave directive to all its members to shut down all hospitals.

In a press statement issued by NMA Chairman, Dr Hyacinth Emele and Secretary, Kyrian Duruewuru, the NMA condemned the action of the police, insisting that the police acted the script of some government officials by shooting its members on a peaceful protest.
See the press statement:

First Case Of Zika Virus In China


First case of Zika virus has been confirmed in China. The official Xinhua news agency reported that the man who had recently travelled to South America, tested positive to the virus.

The virus, which is causing international alarm after spreading through much of the Americas, was detected in a 34-year-old man from Ganxian county in the eastern province of Jiangxi, Xinhua said, citing China's National Health and Family Planning Commission.

Street Begging,Kids Hawking on the high way! What Do We Do?


I was listening to the car Radio today while going to the office and the presenters were deliberating about street trading and begging. One of the presenters talked about how a woman that begs around Woji area in Port Harcourt got angry and started hitting on a car windscreen because the occupants refused to give her money!

The above story is one of the many few beggar-nightmare stories that i have heard in recent times. I don't know about other states but in Port Harcourt, the rate of street begging and hawking is alarming.

You see all sort of things on the high way, like children trying to hit you if you refuse to allow them clean your front windscreen. Another set is the beggars association group of G.R.A junction, where you see the same people begging you for money every day at the same spot for the past five years. Then we also see some group of Chadians and Niger women and children begging and cussing at you if you refuse to give them money( their men usually sit down and get these girls pregnant in a circle of incest just to continue the trade), and children hawking on the high way during school hours.

25 percent of Nigeria's population has Zika Virus- Health Minister


The Minister of Health Prof. Isaac Folorunso Adewole said that, Twenty Five percent of Nigeria’s population have tested positive to the dreaded Zika virus.
The Minister who made the revelation while defending the 2016 budget of the Ministry of Health said the virus is not taken serious because Nigeria is not interested in it.

He said: “I want to say that Zika has been with us since 1954. About 25% of Nigerians are positive to Zika virus but what has happened is that it has done nothing to us.” ;

CNB Fruity Talk:Body Cleansing Good For You


Most people don't know that there are other, medical reasons for cleansing your body. If you are someone who suffers from any of these issues, body cleansing may be right for you. Diseases like: Digestive issues, Elevated blood pressure, Sinusitis, Psoriasis.

Juice cleanses, however, have been around for a long time for reasons including health and also religious and cultural purposes.

 Juice cleansing is the literal process of juicing vegetables and fruits in order to gain their essential vitamins and water content in one smooth drink.

Monday 8 February 2016

Reflections:A Good Leader Is.....


Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.—Warren G. Bennis
Management is doing things right. Leadership is doing the right things.—Peter Drucker
One of the true tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency.—Arnold H. Glasgow
Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced.—James Baldwin

Tuesday 2 February 2016

CNB Fruity Talk:Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning Is Good For You


There are in fact some small changes that people can make that can nonetheless bring major benefits to the body, like walking around the block in the morning, taking the stairs at work instead of climbing the elevator. Another small but significant lifestyle change to consider is drinking lemon water throughout the day.

Drinking lemon water first thing in the morning is a pretty simple routine to get into and it will have tremendous effects on your overall health.

According to the Ayurvedic philosophy, choices you make regarding your daily routine either build up resistance to diseases or tear it down.

It helps to kick start digestion and finalizes my body’s natural detoxification processes.
Lemons are packed with vitamin C, B, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, enzymes, antioxidants, and fibers.


We will embark on massive tree planting in areas affected by insugency- DG National Green Wall Agency


The National Agency for the Great Green Wall (NAGGW) says it will embark on massive tree planting in the North-East region in 2016 to restore green society lost to insurgency.

The Director General of the agency, Dr Ahmed Goni, disclosed the plan in Abuja on Monday while speaking with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).

NAN reports that the GGW states are Adamawa, Borno, Bauchi, Gombe, Jigawa, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Sokoto, Yobe and Zamfara.

According to Goni, about three of these Great Green Wall states have been badly affected by insurgency.

Illigal abattoirs in Lagos State to be closed down in 2 weeks


The Lagos State Government has given illegal abattoirs two weeks within which to close down operations or risk severe consequences.

This is contained in a statement signed by the state's Commissioner for Agriculture, Mr Toyin Suarau, in Lagos on Monday.

The commissioner in the statement declared that such unauthorised abattoir would not be allowed to frustrate the resolve to monitor the quality of meat sold to members of the public.

He said that it had become very necessary to monitor the whole process of meat handling, right from the animal markets to the abattoir, and even its transportation.

Zika Virus:Nigeria advices travel restriction as WHO declares the virus a global health emergency


The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Zika Virus a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

The WHO’s position came a day after the Nigerian government advised a travel restriction of its pregnant citizens to Latin America, the worst hit region since the Zika virus outbreak began late last year.
Isaac Adewole, Nigeria’s Health Minister, ‎said the restriction would remain in place until “the situation improves.”

Margaret Chan, the WHO Director General, said at a press briefing in Geneva, Monday, that‎ a coordinated international response is needed to intensify the control of mosquito and expedite development of diagnostic tests.

Monday 1 February 2016

Reflections:The Holes In My Blanket


By Margaret Marie Marsala
As in a dream, I faced my Maker. I knelt before the Lord, along with all the other souls.
Before each of us lay our lives like the squares of a blanket quilt in many piles. An angel sat before each of us, sewing our quilt squares together into a tapestry that represented our life.
But as my angel took each piece of cloth off the pile, I noticed how ragged and empty each of my squares was. They were filled with giant holes.
Each square was labeled with a part of my life that had been difficult, the challenges and temptations I was faced with in everyday life. I saw hardships that I endured, which were the largest holes of all.

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