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Wednesday 26 November 2014

Tonto Dikeh Launches NGO for Women and Orphans
     Tonto DikehImage result for tonto dike picture

Nollywood actress Tonto Dikeh has done noble, Today November 26, 2014 she has announced that her foundation will be set up to cater to women who are abused and also motherless babies.
"Today is a beautiful day for me*Today is the official kick off of THE TONTO DIKEH FOUNDATION **Today we re holding a Press Conference for the #THeTONTODIKEhFOUNDATION TODAY is the Day the Lord has made,the day I have been waiting for,this is an Opportunity to be a blessing to so many people around the World**#THeTONTODIKEhFOUNDATION is a Non profit Organisation which carters for Abused Women,Unwanted pregnancy as a result of Molestation/Rape etc n Motherless Children All around the world**We coming with a special Package,We are Passionate About this** I have teamed up with hospitials,clinics,different charity organisations,churches,mosques,well meaning personalities in the society and government, together we can Save Souls**I promised God 3 years Ago that If he made me Whole again I'll touch and Save lives**Help me fulfill my Promise to God

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